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Description: Six men stand around a single engine propeller driven aircraft that is setting with its propeller in the dirt. There are hangars in the background. Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Forced Down Investigators and onlookers examine a small plane that was forced to land short of Tulsa International Airport Wednesday morning."
Date: December 29, 1982
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0094]

Description: Photograph is of a single story brick structure that is fully consumed by flames in the interior and through the roof of the structure. The sign for the building appears to be falling into the roof of the building. Flames are reaching towards the sky out of where the roof was and where the windows and doors once were are replaced with flames and smoke.
Date: December 20, 1945
Creator: Gillette, Lee
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0557]

Description: Photograph is of a crowd of unidentified people standing on the railroad tracks watching a fire in the distance. Flames and smoke is visible above the crowd. Photograph was taken in the night time. Caption: "Spectacular fire."
Date: December 8, 1963
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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