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[Photograph 2012.201.B1233.0082]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Three generation of trapshooters are represented by this Clinton family of Allen Schreiner, 13, Larry schreiner (left) and Lawrence Schreiner."
Date: July 9, 1966
Creator: Argo, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Soils, Soil Erosion, Soil Conservation & Crop Management

Description: Photograph of potential soil erosion. Showing a close-up of how easily soil blows when William J. Trexel sifts it through his fingers. This is a lower part of a 65-acre field of cotton, grain sorghum and sudan grass that washd out in a 19-inch rain, June 22, 1948. Silt deposited in lower part of the field has created a blow problem. OK-9657.
Date: July 20, 1948
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0238.0365]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "As the first " Operation Bootstrap" student from the Altus air force base to enroll at Southwestern State College, Lt. Ralf M. Miller, Oklahoma City, is on familiar ground with one of his instructors."
Date: July 5, 1961
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0238.0218]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Mrs. Rosa M. Cooksey, 72, Mountain Park, one of the top five in a graduation class of 103 at Southwestern State college, cuts a watermelon for Ruth McCampbell Erick, on the steps of the outdoor theater where the graduation exercises will be held July 24."
Date: July 16, 1952
Creator: Killian, Tom
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0297.0232]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Estle Deaton is not demonstrating the worth of the old bromide, "use two hands while learning," but covers so much ground afield for the Oklahoma Natural Gassers, City Ban Johnson league team, That Manager Roy Deal decided to make him twice as effective and eliminate the other outfielders."
Date: July 8, 1936
Creator: Kaho, C. J.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0107.0064]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Clinton's crowning civic achievement was the completion of the half-million dollar concrete bridge which spans the Washita river on the east edge of the business district."
Date: July 28, 1954
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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