1,930 Matching Results

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Search Results

Fort Cobb, OK

Description: Photograph of a bird's eye view drawing of Fort Cobb, OK, c.1859.
Date: 1859~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Arapaho Camp

Description: Photograph of an Arapaho Indian camp near Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, 1894.
Date: 1884~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

American Indian Choir Boys

Description: Photograph of American Indian choir boys leading a procession of other American Indian young men and two priests from a church near Anadarko.
Date: [1890..1916]
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Wichita Grass House

Description: Photograph of a Wichita Grass House near Anadarko, Indian Territory. Printed by Thomas Croft, c. 1890-1891.
Date: 1890~/1891~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

E.B. Teis

Description: Photograph of E.B. Teis and an UNIDENTIFIED man on horseback, Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, c.1894.
Date: 1894~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Indian Police

Description: Photograph of an Indian Police camp near Anadarko, c. 1894.
Date: 1894~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Kiowa Camps

Description: Photograph of Red Horn Summer Camp near Anadarko, Organized Territory(OK), c. 1894. Photo by William Edward Irwin, Chickasha, Indian Territory(OK).
Date: 1894~
Creator: Irwin, William Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Kiowa Indians, Anadarko, OT., c.1894

Description: Photograph of Kiowas in Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, 1894. Standing L. to R.: 1. Long - Indian farmer; 4. Caddo; 7. Hummingbird - Police Chief; 8. John Thomas; 10. Ely - a clerk; 12. War-loo-pe - Mexican captive; 13. Henry Inkanish; Seated L. to R.: 15. Drury - a lawyer; 16. Norton - a clerk at the commissary; 17. Burton -Chief Clerk; 18. Dr. Hume; 19. Sam Ah-towe; 20. Lt. Nichols, Indian Agent; 21. Jesse Mah-seit; 22. Tom Woodard; 23. John Wolf; 24. Jimmie Johns.
Date: 1894~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Kiowa Red Horns Summer Camp near Anadarko

Description: Photograph of the Kiowa Red Horns Summer Camp near Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory. People working in the grass-covered shelter, and two stand outside.
Date: 1894
Creator: Irwin, William Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Comanche Indians Dancing

Description: Photograph of Comanche Indians dancing in response to the dance of welcome by the Kiowa Apaches at an Apache camp near Apache, Oklahoma. Henry Redbone is wearing a roach headdress at the far right.
Date: [1899..1928]
Creator: Bates, Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Railroad Depot, Anadarko, OK

Description: Photograph of the Railroad Depot in Anadarko, OK, c. 1900-1940.
Date: 1900~/1940~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Washita River

Description: Photograph of Native Americans watering ponies in the Washita River, Caddo County, Indian Territory. Photo by William Edward Irwin, Chickasha, Indian Territory, c.1900.
Date: 1900~
Creator: Irwin, William Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of an UNIDENTIFIED woman in front of the Hotel Anadarko, Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: June 14, 1900
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, Indian Territory

Description: Photograph looking east of "C" Street (Main) in Anadarko, Indian Territory, when the town was three months old, c. 1901.
Date: 1901~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, Indian Territory

Description: Photograph looking east of "C" Street (Main) in Anadarko, Indian Territory, when the town was two weeks old, c. 1901.
Date: 1901~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of W.J. Bloodyett and a group with the caption, "Please Don't Spit on the Floor," Cement, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: 1901~/1905~
Creator: Beindorf, Charles
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, OK

Description: Photograph of Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, immediately after the land lottery. Businesses shown are J.W. Dakes Blacksmith, Homestyle Restaurant, Sanborn and Coffee Groceries. Men, women and saddled horses stand among wooden buildings. Photo by Russell Art Gallery, Anadarko, OK, Aug. 1901.
Date: August 1901
Creator: Russell Art Gallery
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

B Street

Description: Photograph of B Street the day of the opening of Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: August 6, 1901
Creator: Hume, Annette
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of men lined up in front of the "First State" on the first day at the new Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: August 19, 1901
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of Anadarko, OK. Territory a week after the opening.
Date: August 19, 1901
Creator: Hume, Annette
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Rag Town

Description: Photograph of "Rag Town" after the opening of Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: August 19, 1901
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, OK

Description: Photograph of two men standing in front of an Anadarko Democrat sign, Anadarko, September 1901.
Date: September 1901
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of a house in Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, c. 1902. Photo by Mrs. Annette Hume, Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, who wrote, "Mautame, my room southeast corner, the two windows on second floor on three story part."
Date: 1902~
Creator: Hume, Annette
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Early Anadarko Settlers

Description: Photograph of six UNIDENTIFIED early settlers of Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: 1902~
Creator: Russell Art Gallery
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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