2,671 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance October 10th between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CDT.

Search Results

Aerial Shot of Floodwater, Sediment, and Scour Damage Along Cimarron River Near Crescent

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of floodwater, sediment, and scour damage along Cimarron River. Note the destroyed railroad lines of the left background and part of the bridge on the far right is missing. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Floodwater, sediment, and scour damage along Cimarron River, vicinity of Crescent."
Date: May 21, 1957
Creator: Brune, G. M.; Holden, Harold; Curry, Jerald & Mullins, Tilman
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-193. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking north up the Altus Canal. End of Main Canal and beginning of Altus Canal is at check structure just beyond road bridge about one third of way down from top of picture. Approximately the first half mile of Altus Canal is shown in lower part of this photograph."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-196. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view showing Altus Canal from Station 60, at upper edge of picture, to Station 230. The north part of the town of Blair can be seen in the lower left corner. The Santa Fe Railway and U. S. Highway No. 283 extend along the left edge of the photograph. Stamey Construction Co., Hutchinson, Kansas, Contractors."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-194. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking northwest along Altus Canal from Station 225 to Station 180. A farm bridge and check-drop can be seen just below the bend in Canal. Three outlet channels from culverts under the canal can be seen in left part of the picture."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-199. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking northwest at Altus Canal, Station 365, in lower left corner, to Station 330. A concrete county road bridge can be seen near center of picture, a short distance below a concrete checkdrop. Stamey Construction Co., contractors."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-195. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking northwest along Altus Canal from Station 95, in lower left hand corner of picture, to beginning of canal (near upper right hand corner.) Stamey Construction Co., contractors."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-197. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking northwest along the Altus Canal from Station 290, in lower left hand corner, to Station 235."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-200. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking southeast along Altus Canal from Station 50, at lower left hand corner, to Station 235. Stamey Construction Company, Contractors."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-192. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking northwest along Altus Canal from Station 75, at lower edge of picture, to Station 45."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-202. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking northwest along Altus Canal from Station 345, near lower left hand corner of picture, to Station 285. Concrete check-drop in left center is at Station 340+00. Stamey Construction Co., Contractors."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-198. Specifications No. 1085. Aerial view looking north along Altus Canal from Station 250 to beginning of canal (near top of photo). Part of the town of Blair can be seen in lower left corner."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Aerial View

Description: Caption says, "5-AL-201. Aerial view looking east toward the central and southern parts of the City of Altus."
Date: May 21, 1946
Creator: Reynolds, R. M.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie
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