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Description: Photograph is of a man in a military policeman uniform resting his hands on 5 helmets on a table with a rag in his left hand as if polishing them. Caption: "Armed Forces Day visitors at Tinker Air Force Base will be guided to parking lots Saturday by military policemen of the Oklahoma National Guard's 45th Infantry Division. Here the 45th's provost marshal, Maj. Lon Fink, 2534 SW 58, inspects his men's sparking helmets."
Date: May 17, 1962
Creator: Lucas, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Manager, police dog injured in riot Thursday gets treatment." Image is of a German Sheppard dog laying on the table next to a person with his hands on the back of the dog. The person is wearing a white lab jacket indicative of veterinarians. The dog has one leg laying straight and the other tucked in.
Date: February 17, 1966
Creator: Albright, Bob
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Wilbur Switzer, 501 SW 26, working at Oklahoma secondary case, separates mail for specific towns and for trains on which it is to be sent." The photograph shows a man wearing dark pants and a light colored shirt rolled up at the sleeves, sorting mail into small boxes with the name of the community on the box.
Date: February 17, 1960
Creator: Cobb, Dick
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Basement Box 51.0088]

Description: Caption: "Fire officer (left) stands near door of Safeway, 3700 N. May, as fireman drags hose into the building during a three-alarm blaze." Firemen drag hose into burning building.
Date: March 17, 1969
Creator: Heaton, Dave
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Basement Box 51.0158]

Description: Caption: "Kansan Wes Fisher, right, of Wichita is pleased with the trophy he is being presented by Bob Fisher, 13, for his victory in one of the motor boat races at Lake Overholser." Two men in motorboat.
Date: June 17, 1962
Creator: Tapscott, George
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Basement Box 51.0177]

Description: Caption: "Approaching Guthrie... Gonul Zehra Simsek of Istanbul checks out a problem with lead instructor F. B. Fitzgerald at FAA training center." Woman and man look through book.
Date: July 17, 1962
Creator: Miller, Joe
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 66.0075]

Description: Caption: "Three children sat shivering with fear in a car outside their burning home at 1140 N Carverdale Saturday morning." Fireman walking out of burned house and charred debris in front yard.
Date: February 17, 1968
Creator: Derby, Paul
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken at night of a man watching as firefighters work to extinguish a fire at hotel.
Date: February 17, 1968
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0500]

Description: Interior photograph of Midwest City Bowling Lanes after a fire. The image shows Midwest City fireman Lt. Don Cornwell holding a soot-covered bowling ball. Caption: "BLACKENED BOWLING BALLS, part of the $200,000 ruins of the Midwest City Bowling Lanes, 1415 S. Midwest Blvd., are held by Lt. Don Cornwell of Midwest City Fire Department."
Date: February 17, 1962
Creator: Traverse, Austin
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[BASEMENT BOX 67.0545]

Description: A nighttime photograph showing Ponca City firemen and a fire engine as smoke billows from the Walker Walgreen Drug store, situated next to T.G.& Y. in the Pioneer Shopping Center.
Date: January 17, 1962
Creator: Casto, Bill
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Basement Box 2012.201.67.0499]

Description: An interior photograph of Midwest City Bowling Lanes after a fire. The image shows Midwest City fireman Lt. Don Cornwell holding a soot-covered bowling ball. Lieutenant Cornwell is kneeling beside a rack of bowling balls near two destroyed pinball machines. Orange wax pencil marks are visible on the photograph's top and right border. Caption: "BLACKENED BOWLING BALLS, part of the $200,000 ruins of the Midwest City Bowling Lanes, 1415 S. Midwest Blvd., are held by Lt. Don Cornwell of Midwest Cit… more
Date: February 17, 1962
Creator: Traverse, Austin
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Black Locust on Strip Mine Dumps

Description: Photograph of Ned Machado shows an UNIDENTIFED SCS technician his black locust planted on a strip mine dumps. The photograph does not identify the left to right positions of Machado and the UNIDENTIFED SCS technician positions. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Ned Machado shows SCS technician how a tree planting crew and himself set out Black locust on strip mine dumps. The locists [sic] serve for soil protection, wildlife food and shelter and fence posts."
Date: February 17, 1961
Creator: Ball, Lemuel
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Cattle on Native Grass in Excellent Condition on Loamy Prairie Range Site

Description: Photograph of 15+ good grade cattle on native grass in excellent condition. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Good grade cattle on native grass in excellent condition on Loamy prairie range site. Kipp-Kippson complex."
Date: August 17, 1960
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Crimson Clover in Bermudagrass

Description: Photograph of two UNIDENTIFED men examining a pasture of crimson clover in Bermudagrass. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Pasture Improvement. Crimson clover in Bermudagrass. Good early pasture. Clover gets tough at blooming state. Clover drilled in with LeFlore County SCD equipment. Sandy upland soil."
Date: April 17, 1961
Creator: Ball, L. F.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Crimson Clover in Bermudagrass

Description: Photograph of two UNIDENTIFED men examining a pasture of crimson clover in Bermudagrass. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Pasture Improvement. Crimson clover in Bermudagrass. Good early pasture. Clover gets tough at blooming state. Clover drilled in with LeFlore County SCD equipment. Sandy upland soil."
Date: April 17, 1961
Creator: Ball, L. F.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Deep Sand Range Site

Description: Photograph of the Deep Sand Range Site. Pasture is in poor condition. Soil Unit 13, Tivoli fine sand.
Date: May 17, 1961
Creator: Frie, Jimmie W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Diane Croka

Description: Photograph of Diane Croka.
Date: January 17, 1964
Partner: The Chisholm

Examining seeds Inside of Killed Doves

Description: Photograph of Jimmie Smith, St. Regis Paper Co. , and Carl S. Draughn, WSC, Soil Conservation Service, examine Millet seed in doves killed.
Date: November 17, 1967
Creator: Draughn, C. S.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Example of a Properly Grazed and A Over Grazed Field

Description: Photograph of a properly grazed and over grazed field ½ miles south of Hat Top Mountain. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Proper use and over grazing. Definite separation due to fence and different landowners. One-half mile south of Hattop [sic] Mountain.”
Date: May 17, 1960
Creator: Fortney, Fred
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of the first terrace demonstration held in Ellis County, Oklahoma in 1926. Herbert C. Heyer, County Agent, and G.E. Martin, Extension Engineer, held the demonstration.
Date: November 17, 1964
Creator: Smtih, W. O.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of Stubble Mulch Field Day. This is one of the plots used for the Stubble Mulch and Field Day Contest. OK-2124-7.
Date: July 17, 1964
Creator: Frie, J. W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of an implement being used on a field of Holdredge silt loam, 1 to 3% slope. A stubble mulch demonstration. OK-1595-1.
Date: April 17, 1962
Creator: Cole, E. L.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Farming Equipment and Methods

Description: Photograph of equipment taken on Agronomy & Stubble Mulch Field Day. Shown is one of the sweeps owned by Bart Jones that was used in a stubble mulch demonstration. OK-2124-8.
Date: July 17, 1964
Creator: Frie, J. W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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