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[Photograph 2012.201.B0107.0091]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Just a letter of thanks for whatever you did to help Bruce remain at Granite rather than go to McAlester."
Date: May 17, 1994
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0119.0029]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Letter from the Duchess of Windsor."
Date: June 4, 1937
Creator: Turner, John
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0114.0113]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "This is a copy of the letter in the files of Denoyer-Geppert Co., Chicago book publishers introduced as evidence by the legislative committee investigating school book sales by members of the staff of the state department of education."
Date: 1954
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from TB Ferguson to Albert A. McGill, Esquire, Grand OT

Description: 3 page letter from TB Ferguson to Albert A McGill, Esquire from Grand, Oklahoma Territory concerning the Republican party significance, Blaine County and the newly founded Republican party in Day County.
Date: March 21, 1904
Creator: Ferguson, Thomas Benton
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from TB Ferguson to RG Cox

Description: Correspondence from TB Ferguson to RG Cox.
Date: August 14, 1902
Creator: Ferguson, Thomas Benton
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Cora Youngblood Corson Day

Description: Photograph of a document proclaiming June 3, 1915 as Cora Youngblood Corson Day, c. 1915.
Date: 1915~
Creator: Corson, Cora Youngblood
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter to Colonel Garrett

Description: Letter to Colonel Garret Regarding Cherokee Assistance to the Union Army
Date: unknown
Creator: Wright, J. W.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Transcription of the Letter to Colonel Garrett
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from P.L. Oilerman to Mrs. Matilda Frantz

Description: Letter to Mrs. Matilda Franz enclosing a copy of a resolution passed by Camp #31 of the United Spanish War Veterans.
Date: March 19, 1941
Creator: Ollerman, Parker L.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from the White House to Captain Frank Frantz

Description: Letter to Frank Frantz stating that the Honorable Dennis T. Flynn is opposed to the reappointment of the current postmaster at Enid, and asks if Frantz is interested in the position.
Date: January 15, 1902
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from C.C. Wagner to Governor Frank Frantz

Description: Letter to Frank Frantz regarding a telegram sent inviting the Secretary of War to make two addresses in Oklahoma.
Date: March 28, 1907
Creator: Wagner, C. C.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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