18 Matching Results

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Abbott, Charles W.

Description: Letter to the editor of the Daily Ardmoreite, Dec. 7, 1968, asking feasibility of working on a history of the newspaper covering the period 1954-1963. Letter in reply from Mac McGalliard, Dec. 9, 1968, is included.
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Ardmore High School

Description: Notes made by McGalliard, Nov. 9, 1965, concerning possibility of holding CHS meeting at the High School so teachers and students could hear Dr. A. M, Gibson, historian.
Date: unknown
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Cowboy Hall of Fame

Description: Letter to Dean Krakel, Director of the National Cowboy Hall of Fame, Okla. City, July 18, 1967 , from Albert Riesen, Jr., of the Daily Ardmoreite.Letter recommends consideration of the late Hardy Murphy for induction into th Cowboy Hall of Fame. Entertainment career and community service by Mr. Murphy is included. 2 pages, typed, 2 copies
Date: 2013
Creator: Riesen, Albert, Jr.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Hodges, Walter

Description: Column from the Daily Ardmoreite, Oct. 13, 1952, written by John F. Easley on learning of the death of his friend. Note included from Grayce M. Walker, daughter of Hodges.
Date: 1952
Creator: Easley, John F.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from Harrell McCullough to Mac McGalliard - September 29, 1970]

Description: Letter to Mac McGalliard, Sept. 29, 1970, from Harrell McCullough. In the letter Mr. McCullough suggests an historical marker be obtained to mark the fact that Bill Dalton was killed near Poolville, west of Ardmore. Mr. McCullough states that the leader of the posse that killed Dalton was his grandfather, U. S. Deputy Marshal S. T. Lindsey. 1 page, typed
Date: September 29, 1970
Creator: McCullough, Harrell
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from J. B. Fink to N. Mann - January 15, 1969]

Description: Letter to Noel Mann, Daily Ardmoreite, from John B. Fink, clerk, United States District Court, Muskogee, Ok., Jan. 15, 1969. Response to letter from Mann concerning information available on existence of Court in Marietta prior to 1890. Mr. Fink reports no records filed in their office.
Date: January 15, 1969
Creator: Fink, John B.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from Mac McGalliard to G. H. Shirk - June 7, 1969]

Description: Letter to Mr. Shirk from Mac McGalliard, June 7, 1969. In the letter Mr. Shirk is asked to lecture at the Goddard Center sometime between March 1 and June 30, 1970. 1 page, carbon copy
Date: June 7, 1969
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from Mac McGalliard to J. C. Feaver - June 9, 1969]

Description: Letter to Dr. Feaver from Mac McGalliard, June 9, 1969. In the letter Dr. Feaver is asked to lecture at the Gorrad Center sometime between March 1 and June 30, 1970. 1 page, carbon copy
Date: June 9, 1969
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from Mac McGalliard to J. C. Feaver - March 12, 1970]

Description: Letter to Dr. Feaver from Mac McGalliard, March 12, 1970. In the letter the date of May 5, 1970 is suggested for a lecture by Dr. Feaver. Topic to be discussed is mentioned. 1 page, carbon copy
Date: March 12, 1970
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from Mac McGalliard to J. C. Feaver - May 7, 1970]

Description: Letter to Dr. Feaver from Mac McGalliard, May 7, 1970. In the letter Dr. Feaver is thanked for speaking at the Goddard Center and invited to return again. 1 page, carbon copy
Date: May 7, 1970
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from Mac McGalliard to Professor Foster-Harris - June 9, 1969]

Description: Letter to Prof. Foster-Harris from Mac McGalliard, June 9, 1969. In the letter Prof. Foster-Harris is asked to lecture at the Goddard Center sometime between March 1 and June 30, 1970. 1 page, carbon copy
Date: June 9, 1969
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letter from Mac McGalliard to Robert Bell - June 7, 1969]

Description: Letter to Dr. Bell from Mac McGalliard, June 7, 1969. In the letter Dr. Bell is asked to lecture at the Goddard Center sometime between Feb. and June, 1970. 1 page, carbon copy
Date: June 7, 1969
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Letters from Jim Pate to E.H. Huston - July 1966]

Description: Price quotations from the Madill Record for printing of a quarterly journal for the Chickasaw Historical Society. Prices are quoted for a 6x9 and a 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 book, each with 64 pages.
Date: July 1966
Creator: Pate, Jim
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Noah Lael house

Description: "Old Froman Ranch House Believed To Be First Landmark In Sulphur", Sulphur Times-Democrat, Sept. 10, 1953. Story of house built by Noah Lael in 1878 on the site of " Sulphur Sorings". On Sept. 23 1882, the home was sold to Perry Froman. Letter from L.L. Shirley, grandson of Noah Lael, contains quote from "Chronicles of Oklahoma" conserning sale of this property in 1882 and family members of the Lael and Froman clans. 1 page, typed-dated June 22, 1976 Newspaper article photocopied
Date: 2013
Creator: Shirley, L. L.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Ranchorama at Medora

Description: by Dick Spencer, III, The Western Horseman, Nov. 1970. Story of the activity in Medora, N. D., run by Jim Eskew, Jr. of Ardmore. He and his wife, Mary Louise, are featured in the article. 4 pages, original published material; gift-M. L. Eskew, Jan. 4, 1971
Date: 1970
Creator: Eshew, M. L.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

"Welch Home Is Treasury Of History And Sports Lore"

Description: Bedford Bulletin-Democrat, Bedford, Virginia, March 9, 1967, by Kenneth E. Crouch. Story of Mrs. Julia Carter Welch, daughter of Charles D. Carter, and her early life in Ardmore. Historical information on her father, for whom Carter County is named, is also included. Cover letter from Carl Albert, from whom the newspaper article was received. newspaper article-2 pages (1 photocopy) & letter
Date: 2013
Creator: Crouch, Kenneth E.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library
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