74 Matching Results

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Primary view of Letter to  Mrs. Ferguson from Mrs. NC Miller
Miller, Mrs. N. C.
May 8, 1910
Primary view of Letter to TB Ferguson from Chairman, Committee on Speakers
Boles, W. H.
June 4, 1910
Primary view of [Letter from J. D. Shaw to T. B. Ferguson - July 3, 1910]
Shaw, Jeff D.
July 3, 1910
Primary view of Letter to TB Ferguson from Thos. R. Jones, Secretary of Roosevelt Republican Club and envelope it came in from the Daily Oklahoman
Jones, Thomas R.
July 4, 1910
Primary view of [Letter from G. Poe to Mrs. T.B. Ferguson - July 6, 1910]
Poe, Gilbert
July 6, 1910
Primary view of Two documents attached together (1 to honorable TB Ferguson from George W. Fowler and (2 letter of receipt from Ben R. Reader (?
Fowler, George & Reader, Ben R.
July 10, 1910
Primary view of Letter to Alice Robertson from Rudolph Foster regarding a missed visit
Foster, Rudolph
April 24, 1912
Primary view of Letter from Medill McCormick to the Honorable Frank Frantz
McCormick, Medill
March 23, 1914
Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
July 25, 1914
Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
July 25, 1914
Primary view of Cora Youngblood Corson Day
Corson, Cora Youngblood
Primary view of Letter to W.W. Scott from A.D. Dodge
Dodge, A. D.
January 7, 1915
Primary view of Lettter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
September 1, 1915
Primary view of Letter to Mr. Scott from Sam B. Davis regarding the enrollment of George Horn
Davis, Sam B.
September 17, 1915
Primary view of Letter to Andrew Tasso from Sam B. Davis regarding Elliot Tasso
Davis, Sam B.
December 27, 1915
Primary view of Letter to Sam B. Davis to W.W. Scott regarding annuity checks for students
Scott, W. W.
January 19, 1916
Primary view of Letter from Sam B. Davis to W.W. Scott regarding checks for students
Davis, Sam B.
January 22, 1916
Primary view of Letter to Sam B. Davis from W.W. Scott regarding a check for Thomas Rouse
Scott, W. W.
February 1, 1916
Primary view of Letter to W.W. Scott from Sam B. Davis regarding the arrival of students
Davis, Sam B.
April 17, 1916
Primary view of Letter to Captain Frank Frantz
unknown creator
January 22, 1917
Primary view of Letter to Sam B. Davis from W.W. Scott regarding checks for Mary Curley and Rena Short Man
Scott, W. W.
January 29, 1917
Primary view of Letter to W.W. Scott from Sam B. Davis regarding a check for Mary Curley
Davis, Sam B.
June 6, 1917
Primary view of Letter to W.W. Scott from Jesse N. Smith regarding Robert Keith
Smith, Jesse N.
September 14, 1917
Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
October 25, 1917
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