19 Matching Results

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Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
October 25, 1917
Primary view of Letter to Governor Frank Frantz from Fred W. Carpenter
Carpenter, Fred W.
July 11, 1907
Primary view of Letter from the White House to Captain Frank Frantz
unknown creator
January 15, 1902
Primary view of Letter from C.C. Wagner to Governor Frank Frantz
Wagner, C. C.
March 28, 1907
Primary view of Letter from William Loeb, Secretary to the President to Frank Frantz
Loeb, William, Jr., 1866-1937
September 26, 1907
Primary view of Letter from William Loeb, Secretary to the President to Frank Frantz
Loeb, William, Jr., 1866-1937
November 16, 1907
Primary view of Letter from P.L. Oilerman to Mrs. Matilda Frantz
Ollerman, Parker L.
March 19, 1941
Primary view of Letter from Medill McCormick to the Honorable Frank Frantz
McCormick, Medill
March 23, 1914
Primary view of Letter from William Taft to Frank Frantz
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930
July 10, 1907
Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
July 20, 1901
Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
July 25, 1914
Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
August 20, 1901
Primary view of Letter from William Taft to Frank Frantz
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930
May 4, 1907
Primary view of Letter to Captain Frank Frantz from the War Department
United States. War Department.
February 21, 1919
Primary view of Lettter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
September 1, 1915
Primary view of Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
July 25, 1914
Primary view of Letter to Captain Frank Frantz
unknown creator
January 22, 1917
Primary view of Letter from the office of Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz
United States. President (1901-1909 : Roosevelt)
February 11, 1918
Primary view of Letter from William Loeb, Secretary to the President to Frank Frantz
Loeb, William, Jr., 1866-1937
August 19, 1907
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