10 Matching Results

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Primary view of Letter to H.C. Kenyon from F.D. Moon regarding a basketball game
Moon, F.D.
March 13, 1933
Primary view of Letter to C.R. Johns from F.D. Moon regarding a county-wide tournament
Moon, F.D.
March 15, 1934
Primary view of Letter to Hubert Bolan from Roscoe Dunjee regarding a list of candidates for a Board of Regents for Langston University
Dunjee, Roscoe
March 21, 1935
Primary view of Letter to the Superintendent of the Colored school from Leon Phillips and V.L. Kiker regarding a field trip
Phillips, Leon C. & Kiker, V.L.
March 22, 1935
Primary view of Letter to Governor E.W. Marland from F.D. Moon regarding the make up of the Langston University Board of Regents and SB 137
Moon, F.D.
March 27, 1935
Primary view of Letter to F.D. Moon from Governor E.W. Marland regarding suggestions for the Citizens Committee on Education
Marland, E.W.
March 30, 1935
Primary view of Letter to Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFarland from F.D. Moon thanking the couple for a gift.
Moon, F.D.
March 12, 1936
Primary view of Letter from George Nigh to Zella Patterson regarding the State Historical Society Board of Directors
Nigh, George
March 21, 1983
Primary view of Letter to Roosevelt Milton notifying him of complaints filed against him
Penn, William H., Sr.
March 14, 1995
Primary view of Letter to Clara Luper from Ethel Anderson regarding the Department of Corrections Black Heritage Awareness Committee
Anderson, Ethel
March 27, 2003
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