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2003 Letter Felder Homestead Centennial Farm

Description: Letter from Oklahoma Historical Society approving the Felder Homestead as a Centennial Farm.
Date: 2003
Creator: Vaughn-Roberson, Glen
Partner: Okeene Historical Preservation Group

Ardmore High School

Description: Notes made by McGalliard, Nov. 9, 1965, concerning possibility of holding CHS meeting at the High School so teachers and students could hear Dr. A. M, Gibson, historian.
Date: unknown
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Cora Youngblood Corson Day

Description: Photograph of a document proclaiming June 3, 1915 as Cora Youngblood Corson Day, c. 1915.
Date: 1915~
Creator: Corson, Cora Youngblood
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Correspondence from Rt. Reverend Chilton Powell

Description: Rt. Revered Chilton Powell, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma, approves the name and vestry selected for the new church as St. Richard's Episcopal Church.
Date: 1963
Creator: Powell, Chilton
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Handwritten Letter

Description: Two pages of a handwritten letter.
Date: December 9, 1931
Partner: Kirkpatrick Family Archive
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