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Newpaper Article About St. Matthias Episcopal Church

Description: Newspaper article from Tahlequah Daily Press, April 1988. Congregation meeting at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church has taken St. Matthias as patron saint and applied for recognition.
Date: 1988
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Bertha Jackson

Description: Newspaper clipping of Bertha Jackson. It reads, "Effective witness in lay ministry has been displayed for many years by Bertha Jackson in the inner city neighborhood of Walnut Grove in Oklahoma City. The declining area occupied by families of very limited economic ability. Aid, mostly from Oklahoma City area parishes, is distributed by Mrs. Jackson at the St. Francis Mission. (Photo by F.W. Putnam)"
Date: unknown
Creator: F.W. Putnam
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Newspaper clipping, Fairview Republican 1959

Description: Episcopal Church Congregation Now Holding Services - services every other Sunday with Father R. R. Rhudy of Alva conducting services.
Date: 1959
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Episcopal Church of Cushing

Description: Newspaper article from Cushing Citizen, May 18, 1928. Cushing hoping to secure church building by sending letter to Bishop Thomas Cassady (sic). Mrs. Blance Little helping to lead project.
Date: 1928
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma
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