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24 Steers Entered in Feed Lot Program

Description: Daily Ardmoreite. Sept. 8, 1963. Entrants in the 3rd annual Carter County commercial feed lot steer program are listed. newspaper article with picture
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

I-35 Dedication Program Is Set

Description: Report of the planned ceremonies for the dedication of the portion of I-35 that crosses the Arbuckle Mountains. newspaper article
Date: August 6, 1970
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

90 Pounds Of Human Dynamite

Description: Story of Kate Barnard, the first woman in the United States to be elected to state office. Her election, in Nov. 1907, as the first Commissioner of Charities and Corrections in Okla. And dedication to the poor and needy are part of this article. 2 pages, newspaper section newspaper article, original, with photo of Barnard
Date: 2013
Creator: Bracken, Nell
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Airport Dedication

Description: Column reports on dedication of the Downtown Ardmore Airport on Lake Murray Drive. Officials attending and outline of the new facilities is reported in the article. Newspaper article, original
Date: May 10, 1965
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Americanism Speech

Description: Column includes: Report of visit by Lt. Gov. Leo Winters to meeting of local civic clubs in Ardmore. Club officers of Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary and Ryonis are named along with visiting members. Report of appearance on the Dorothy Cox show on KXII to promote National Library Week. McGalliard appeared with Ida Williams and Billiee Day. newspaper article, original
Date: April 29, 1965
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Bertha Jackson

Description: Newspaper clipping of Bertha Jackson. It reads, "Effective witness in lay ministry has been displayed for many years by Bertha Jackson in the inner city neighborhood of Walnut Grove in Oklahoma City. The declining area occupied by families of very limited economic ability. Aid, mostly from Oklahoma City area parishes, is distributed by Mrs. Jackson at the St. Francis Mission. (Photo by F.W. Putnam)"
Date: unknown
Creator: F.W. Putnam
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Chickasaw Group Gathering History

Description: Report of the Chickasaw Historical Society and scope of its plans for preservation of history. Newspaper article, original
Date: July 22, 1965
Creator: Stewart, Roy P.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

[Clipping 2017.132.001.70]

Description: News Clipping honoring Reverend W.L Humphrey, Grayson Church, Enid, OK. Though there was a tent school prior, Grayson hosted some of the first African American students in the town before a brick school could be built.
Date: unknown
Partner: Cherokee Strip Regional Heritage Center

[Column Discussing I-35 Meeting, 1964]

Description: Column concerns meeting on construction of I-35 held at Ardmore Chamber of Commerce. Tom Tipps, Joe Baily Cobb, Frank Lyons, Glenn Ham and Virgil Jumper are mentioned as attending. Slowness of completion through this area is topic of the meeting. newspaper article, original
Date: August 19, 1964
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Episcopal Church of Cushing

Description: Newspaper article from Cushing Citizen, May 18, 1928. Cushing hoping to secure church building by sending letter to Bishop Thomas Cassady (sic). Mrs. Blance Little helping to lead project.
Date: 1928
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Hargove in Ashes Article

Description: Article written by a survivor of the Hargove fire.
Date: unknown
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Historical Group Purpose Explained

Description: Report of first general meeting of the CHS and outline of goals and purpose by president "Mac" McGalliard. Newspaper article, original
Date: 1965?-05-25
Creator: Graffham, Beverly
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Historical Society Members

Description: A newspaper column reporting that the list of charter members of the Chickasaw Historical Society of Southern Oklahoma totaled 250 at the time of the article. Planned total was expected to be 500.
Date: May 31, 1965
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Indian Artist Wins Again

Description: Newspaper column discussing Fred Beaver winning "First" at the 4th Annual Tulsa Regional Art Exhibition.
Date: December 9, 1970
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Indian's Tribute-to Gen. Custer

Description: A newspaper article published in the Daily Ardmoreite from Spokane, Wash., May 10. (no date) Article containing an account of the Battle of the Little Big Horn as remembered by Benjamin Gallentine, frontiersman and Indian fighter.
Date: 1976?-05-10
Partner: Ardmore Public Library
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