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Ferdinandina: First White Settlement in Oklahoma

Description: Article describes the establishment of the historical trading post "Ferdinandina" by French explorers and the American Indian groups who settled in the same area through exploration of accounts made by Claude du Tisné and Bénard de la Harpe. Leslie A. McRill compares these accounts to the excavation of village sites by Dr. Joseph B. Thoburn.
Date: Summer 1963
Creator: McRill, Leslie A.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Seneca Sub-Agency, 1832-1838

Description: Article describes the history of the Seneca Sub-Agency, established after a group of Senecas were removed to the Ottawa and Delaware Counties of Oklahoma in the Antebellum period. Frank H. Harris discusses government relations with the groups and the agents that worked on their behalf.
Date: Summer 1964
Creator: Harris, Frank H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

The Drive for Statehood in Oklahoma, 1889-1906

Description: Article describes the development of Oklahoma statehood, including the divisive nature of the "Separate" vs. "Single" Statehood adoption of the Oklahoma and Indian Territories. Charles Wayne Ellinger provides documentation of the views of territory residents, representatives of the American Indian Nations, and government officials in the process.
Date: Spring 1963
Creator: Ellinger, Charles Wayne
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

The Inland Prairie Town

Description: Article describes life at inland prairie towns that were established before railroads, and how some became county seats in Oklahoma. Albert S. Giles, Sr., describes his own personal experience at towns like these, including the people who offered services there, circuit riders, and camp houses.
Date: Autumn 1965
Creator: Giles, Albert S., Sr.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

An Open Letter from Too-Qua-Stee to Congressman Charles Curtis, 1898

Description: Article outlines the author's disapproval of provisions of the Curtis Act that closed the governments of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma. The article starts with an introduction by the editor explaining the background of the letter.
Date: Autumn 1969
Creator: Duncan, DeWitt Clinton & Wright, Muriel H. (Muriel Hazel), 1889-1975
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

A Heritage to Share

Description: Article tells the story of Ida Fancher's recollections traveling to a dugout home in Cheyenne-Arapaho country, as well as marrying on the Oklahoma frontier and raising her own pioneer family. Very Holding provides a rich description of the interview and outside context.
Date: Spring 1964
Creator: Holding, Vera Zumwalt
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Colonel W. B. Hazen in the Indian Territory 1868-1869

Description: Article discusses the military career of Colonel William Babcock Hazen, with particular focus on his tenure as a special military agent at Fort Cobb from 1868-1869. Marvin Kroeker discusses the man's work in Indian Territory as well as the state of American Indian tribes and their relations with the U.S. government during this time.
Date: Spring 1964
Creator: Kroeker, Marvin E., 1928-
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Reminiscences of Jim Tomm

Description: Article provides reminiscences of Jim Tomm, a freedman who was born into slavery on the plantation of George Stidham in the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and freed during the Civil War. L. M. S. Wilson compiles these memories of Tomm's life before, during, and after the Civil War.
Date: Autumn 1966
Creator: Wilson, L. M. S. & Tomm, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Green Yeargain and Star Route 32024

Description: Article describes the life and career of one of the first mail carriers of Tulsa, Green Yeargain, and the route he took to deliver mail, Star Route 32024. Louise Morse Whitham includes the story of Yeargain's interview with an advisor of the Tulsa Historical Society, Lilah D. Lindsey.
Date: Summer 1966
Creator: Whitham, Louise Morse
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Lee Compere and the Creek Indians

Description: Article describes the work of Reverend Lee Compere, missionary to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, and the abuse he suffered by white commissioners investigating the killing of General William McIntosh. Carolyn Thomas Foreman investigates the state of government relations with the Muscogees (Creeks) during the early nineteenth century.
Date: Autumn 1964
Creator: Foreman, Carolyn Thomas, 1872-1967
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Prehistory in Oklahoma

Description: Article examines human communities in prehistoric Oklahoma through investigation of evidence found in archaeological sites. A. M. Gibson discusses how these findings illustrate the way of life early hunters followed, and the growth and development of this way of life.
Date: Spring 1965
Creator: Gibson, Arrell M.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

From the Brazos to the North Fork: The Autobiography of Otto Koeltzow, Part One

Description: Article provides and introduction to and includes an excerpt of the autobiography of Otto Koeltzow, a migrant from Germany who homesteaded Greer County, Oklahoma Territory and weathered many difficulties to establish a community there.
Date: Summer 1962
Creator: Gibson, Arrell M.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

From the Brazos to the North Fork: The Autobiography of Otto Koeltzow, Part Two

Description: Article continues the excerpt of the autobiography of Otto Koeltzow, a migrant from Germany who homesteaded Greer County, Oklahoma Territory, in this second part of A. M. Gibson's article. Koeltzow discusses life in a dugout, interactions with other homesteaders, farming, and the move to Kiowa County.
Date: Autumn 1962
Creator: Gibson, Arrell M.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

An Indian Territory United Nations: The Creek Council of 1845

Description: Article discusses the meetings of delegates from the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Seminole, Kickapoo, Shawnee, Caddo, Wichita, Quapaw, Osage, Kiowa, and Pawnee tribes in council to discuss the issues of Indian Territory in the nineteenth century. A. M. Gibson includes a record of the proceedings by Cherokee Agent Pierce M. Butler and edited by newspaper editor William P. Ross.
Date: Winter 1961
Creator: Gibson, Arrell M.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Joe Kagey: Indian Educator

Description: Article describes the life and career of Joe Kagey. A. M. Gibson specifically focuses on his contributions at the Seneca Indian School and to the history of education of American Indian youth.
Date: Spring 1960
Creator: Gibson, Arrell M.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

The Oklahoma Historical Society Stagecoach

Description: Article explores the history of an American stagecoach donated to the Oklahoma Historical Society by the Miller Brothers of 101 Ranch in 1921. John and Mildred Frizzell also describe two other stagecoaches in Oklahoma today and provide pictures of the vehicle.
Date: Spring 1963
Creator: Frizzell, John & Frizzell, Mildred A.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Charles Newton Gould: "Covered Wagon Geologist"

Description: Article describes the experiences and work of the "covered wagon geologist" Charles N. Gould. Mildred Armor Frizzell provides context to excerpts of the pioneer's autobiography, where he discussed his work conducting geological surveys and teaching at the University of Oklahoma.
Date: Summer 1960
Creator: Frizzell, Mildred A.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

The White Lieutenant and Some of His Contemporaries

Description: Article constructs a portrait of the career and leadership of the White Lieutenant, Chief Alexander McGillivray of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, through correspondence from the late eighteenth century. Carolyn Thomas Foreman provides context to the conflict between the Cowetas and the Okfuskees and other issues represented here.
Date: Winter 1960
Creator: Foreman, Carolyn Thomas, 1872-1967
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

A Historiography of The Five Civilized Tribes: A Chronological Approach

Description: Article illustrates the rise and fall of The Five Civilized Tribes, a tribal government located in present-day Oklahoma. The article chronicles the history of interactions between European settlers and American Indians in the region.
Date: Autumn 1969
Creator: Howard, Robert Palmer
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Confederate Indian Forces Outside of Indian Territory

Description: Article narrates the battles fought by American Indian and Confederate regiments against the Union during the American Civil War. The battles described were fought outside of Indian Territory, the site of modern day Oklahoma.
Date: Summer 1968
Creator: Fischer, LeRoy H. & Gill, Jerry L.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Southern Regional Education

Description: Article discusses the establishment and history of the Southern Regional Education Board, and its efforts towards improving educational opportunities in the Southern states. J. L. Franklin discusses legislation and integration in the process.
Date: Winter 1966
Creator: Franklin, Jimmie L.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Reports of the Governors of Oklahoma Territory 1891-1899

Description: Article provides a review and investigation of reports written by Oklahoma Territory governors to the Secretary of the interior from 1891 to 1899. B. H. Johnson explores the ways the four governors promoted the area in these reports.
Date: Winter 1966
Creator: Johnson, Bobby H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma and the Parking Meter

Description: Article narrates the history of the parking meter's creation and introduction into Oklahoma City.
Date: Summer 1969
Creator: Fischer, LeRoy H. & Smith, Robert E.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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