5 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance January 21st between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CST.

Search Results

Money Matters: The Stamp Scrip Movement in Depression-Era Oklahoma

Description: Article expanding on the previous 2004 article on Oklahoma's reaction to the depression era banking crisis of early 1933. In this article, Gatch ties the origin of the scrip movement to the writings of Yale University's professor Irving Fisher and traces the implementation of scrip schemes in nearly three dozen Oklahoma towns and explains the reasons for scrip's early success and rapid demise.
Date: Autumn 2006
Creator: Gatch, Loren C.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

From Termination to Self-Determination: Indian Health in Oklahoma, 1954-1980, Part 2

Description: The second part of this two-part article continues the evaluation of the problems in Indian healthcare and the campaign led by Senators Fred Harris and Dewey Bartlett to correct a record of neglect. The healthcare problem after 1970 was linked to a new federal policy of tribal self-determination.
Date: Spring 2008
Creator: Lowitt, Richard, 1922-2018
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

The Legend of the Battle of Claremore Mound

Description: Article chronicles the series of events that led to the Battle of Claremore Mound, a battle fought between the Osage and Cherokee tribes over long-standing conflicts and the raiding of each others resources.
Date: Winter 1930
Creator: Eaton, Rachel Caroline
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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