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Okmulgee Church of the Redeemer Newsletter

Description: "THE PARISH NEWS" of the Church of The Redeemer, OKMULGEE, OKLAHOMA" listing services and times, Rt. Rev. Thomas Cassidy, Bishop, and John Christfield Donnell, Rector. The Vestry names are listed on the cover. Also in the newsletter is image is an article "MY CHURCH" by Bishop Oldham. Date written on document "Oct. 1927."
Date: 1927
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Bertha Jackson

Description: Newspaper clipping of Bertha Jackson. It reads, "Effective witness in lay ministry has been displayed for many years by Bertha Jackson in the inner city neighborhood of Walnut Grove in Oklahoma City. The declining area occupied by families of very limited economic ability. Aid, mostly from Oklahoma City area parishes, is distributed by Mrs. Jackson at the St. Francis Mission. (Photo by F.W. Putnam)"
Date: unknown
Creator: F.W. Putnam
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Letter to Bishop Thurston

Description: Written on the Cushing Hospital letterhead to Bishop Thurston, dated Nov. 8, 1925, from Ozetta Bourbronnais, RN. Page 1 introduces self and shares missing Episcopal church since leaving Tulsa. Page 2 asks for Episcopal church in Cushing.
Date: 1925
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Newsletter - The Oklahoma Churchman

Description: Front page of "The OKLAHOMA CHURCHMAN," February 1930. Image of church building with line, "This beautiful Gothic Church will be built for All Saint's Mission, Miami, during the present year. Mr. Leonard H. Bailey of Oklahoma City is the Architect."
Date: 1930
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Rt. Reverend Chilton Powell's Fall 1956 Visitation Schedule of Church Visits and Meetings

Description: Bishop Chilton Powell's visitation schedule for September, October, and November 1956. Episcopal Church visitations included in the schedule are St. George, St. Andrew, St. Martin, St. John, St. Christopher, Trinity, Christ Memorial, Church of the Redeemer, St. Luke, St. Stephen, St. Thomas, St. Peters, St. Patrick, St. David, St. John, St. George, All Souls, St. Philip, Grace, St. James, and St. Mark. Other visitations listed on his schedule include meetings of Laymen, Clergy, Regional Meetingā€¦ more
Date: unknown
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma
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