21 Matching Results

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Downtown Claremore, 1906

Description: Panorama of downtown Claremore from 1906, looking west.
Date: unknown
Creator: Stone, F. L.
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Levi Harlin

Description: Levi Harlin, a masseur, is seen at work at the Will Rogers Hotel.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Perdue Bath House

Description: Picture of Perdue Bath House. Water tanks in upper left; "The famous radium water;" on the side of the building, "The well that has made the wonderful cures." Previously called Radium Wells Bath House in 1905; called Perdue Bath House, 1908; called Claremore Health Home, 1910. Closed in 1916.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Sequoyah Hotel

Description: The Sequoyah Hotel with automobiles parked in front of it.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Claremore City Hall

Description: Photograph of the Claremore's city hall and fire department. In the carriage, the driver is Judge Ryan, and standing nearby is Roland Hanes.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Mayberry Machine Shop

Description: Photograph Mayberry Machine Shop around 1912 in Claremore, Oklahoma.
Date: 1912
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Tiawah School Photo

Description: Photograph of Tiawah School with teachers and students. A male student in middle row holds sign saying, "Tiawah School." Photo is on cardboard, one that is damaged. Picture has been taped together.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Old Claremore City Hall

Description: Photograph of Old City Hall, 3rd and Muskogee. A car is parked in front on the building, snow on the ground, and a D-X sign on right.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Log School Building

Description: Photograph of a log rectangular building with group of children in front. A note on back of photo: "The first school taught in the Chambers District near Claremore, Okla in Rogers Co. Pearl and Ora Jones were in this picture. Beginning the following year, 1908, I opened school in this same log cabin and taught there until the new school building was finished. Leo E. Goff."
Date: 1907
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Claremore Schoolteachers

Description: Photograph of Claremore school teachers, including Clyde H. O'Dell, superintendent.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Haas Store

Description: Photograph of the Haas Store, where on the second floor the courthouse of Rogers County was located.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Claremore Band

Description: Photograph of the Claremore band with Paul Cumiskey as the director.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Early Rogers County Classroom 2

Description: Photograph of an early school room with children seated at desks and some standing. A note on back of photo that says, "Belongs to Annie Boone."
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Early Rogers County Classroom 1

Description: An early school room photograph with children seated at desks and some standing. A note below the photo: "George Walter Boone classroom." Walter is crossed out. Photo is on cardboard. The upper left corner is missing.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Rummage Oil Company

Description: Photograph of the Rummage Oil Company, showing an old car in lower right. Written on back, "Corner of (3rd Street) Main Street and Muskogee Avenue across from city hall; in background at left is Kauf-Musgrove Funeral Home (later Rummage Funeral Home); at right is Bill Kelsey Used Furniture Store; about 1928-1930; Perry T. Rummage Filling Stations." Photograph is damaged in upper left.
Date: 1928/1930
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

St James Hotel Group Photo

Description: Photograph of St James Hotel, with men, women, and a child standing before it.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Andy Payne 1928

Description: 1928 postcard of Andy Payne.
Date: 1928
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Claremore's Old High School

Description: Photograph of the Old High School Building in Claremore, Oklahoma. Photo is on cardboard, the lower left corner & upper right corners torn.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Andy Payne and Trainer

Description: A 1928 postcard of Andy Payne and his trainer.
Date: 1928
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Assembly of People

Description: Photograph of an assembly of people holding signs for various businesses; including J.O. Cox, attorney at law on windows above the group. Photo is on cardboard, upper left and right corners are creased.
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society

Will Rogers Family Photo

Description: A visit to Claremore by Will Rogers was an occasion for a mass reunion in the 1920s. The group above gathered within little more than an hour when word got around that Will was having dinner at the home of his cousin, Mrs. A. V. Robinson. In this valuable picture, taken 1927, the photographer caught the famous humorist and many of his relatives and friends who were among the pioneer families of the community. The people in the photograph, from left to right (that is known): 1. Walker Milam 2. B… more
Date: unknown
Partner: Rogers County Historical Society
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