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E-6 wreck (1936)

Description: No Description Available.
Date: 1936
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

1936 Graduating Students

Description: Photo the 1936 eight graduating students and a Catholic Farther in the middle seated. The boys standing and the ladies sitting down. Panel typing: "1936 R. 1. Francis Finn - Robert Ahern - Kenneth Blomberg - Bob Vore R. 2. Jacqueline Fair - Dorothy McCabe - Father Van Durme - Agnes Kamp Maurine Anderson."
Date: 1936
Partner: El Reno Carnegie Library

1936 Grand Piano Carnival

Description: Photograph of the 1936 Grand Piano Carnival, Enid, OK.
Date: 1936~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

1936 group

Description: Photograph of the Elk City FD in 1936.
Date: 1936
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum


Description: Photograph is of a man wearing a baseball uniform standing with his hands behind his back.
Date: March 26, 1936
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph is of a man sitting on the bed of a truck leaning. He is wearing a short sleeved button down and slacks. He is talking to a man dressed in a baseball uniform with his hand on his hip near the truck. Caption: "Tells Fitzpatrick the dogs get him around the outfield -Art Ruble"
Date: March 29, 1936
Creator: Allred, G. R.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Caption: "With cases scheduled that will keep it busy through Friday, the state court of tax review opened its session Monday at the capitol with the assembly of the above district judges." Photograph is of three men sitting behind a bench wearing dark suits.
Date: November 9, 1936
Creator: Shroder, William J., Jr.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

89ers Day

Description: Photograph of 89ers Day land run re-enactment, c. 1936-1956.
Date: 1936~/1956~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Abandoned Land by Improper Farming Conditions

Description: Photograph of an area in the center of this picture showing an area of abandoned land due to improper farming conditions in which the gullies average 10 feet deep and you can see how these gullies are rapidly encroaching upon the cultivated areas directly adjacent to this area. In a few short years none of this land will be available for farming. Konawa Camp, Ardmore Project.
Date: September 30, 1936
Creator: Slack
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial Shot of Erosion Control on Two Farms/Ardmore Project/Konawa Camp

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of erosion control on two farms. The back of the photograph proclaims, “This picture shows two farms on which erosion control is practiced to a large extent. There are two farm ponds shown here in which the water is supplied by excess drainage from the level terraces fields. Note the terrace channels filled with water from a heavy rain the night before.”
Date: September 30, 1936
Creator: Slack
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial Shot of Three Far-Reaching Main Arteries of Gullies

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of the damage of three far-reaching main arteries of gullies, caused by improper farming practices, leading to the abandonment of this quarter section of land. The back of the photograph proclaims, "This picture shows three main arteries of gullies which are so dar-reaching [sic] and damaging that the whole quarter section of land has been abandoned for some time. The gullies are from three to fifteen feet deep and were caused by improper cultivation without terrace… more
Date: September 30, 1936
Creator: Slack, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial Shot of Two Farm Ponds and Terraces/Ardmore Project/Konawa Camp

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of two farm ponds, terraces, a road, and a few buildings. The back of the photograph proclaims, “This picture shows two farm ponds, constructed by the land owner and protected by rip-rapping. The rip-rapping and outlets were provided by the service. The upper pond is approximately 10 acre feet and was constructed for use as a silting basin, for the lower pond. The lower part of the picture shows terraces and outlet ditches. Terraces are level. The old terraces can b… more
Date: September 30, 1936
Creator: Slack
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial Shot of Two Farm Ponds/Ardmore Project/Konawa Camp

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of two farm ponds and some white spots indicating alkaline conditions caused by erosion. A road spans the bottom corner of the photograph, while a farm is near the top left. The back of the photograph proclaims, “This picture shows two farm ponds which were built by the landowner and rip-rapped by the landowner. The upper pond is used as a silting basin for the lower pond. Immediately above the pond there are some white spots which are an indication of alkaline cond… more
Date: September 30, 1936
Creator: Slack
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial View of Two Farms Showing Erosion Control Practices

Description: Photograph of Two farm ponds shown in which water is supplied by drainage from level terraced fields. Note the terrace channels filled with water from a heavy rain the night before.
Date: September 30, 1936
Creator: Slack, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Alton (A) 4334

Description: A photograph print showing Alton (A) 4334, 2-8-2, Kansas City, MO.
Date: May 7, 1936
Creator: Krambeck, F. J. Wesley
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Alton & Southern (ALS) 15

Description: A photograph print showing Alton & Southern (ALS) 15, 2-8-2, East St. Louis, IL
Date: October 29, 1936
Creator: Krambeck, J. Wesley
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

American Theatre

Description: Photograph of the interior of the American Theatre, before remodeling, Cushing, OK.
Date: 1936~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

American Theatre

Description: Photograph of the exterior of the American Theatre, before remodeling, Cushing, OK.
Date: 1936~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Arthur Coble and Sons, Cimarron County Dust Storm

Description: Photograph of Arthur Coble and young sons returning to their farm work after meeting with Dust Bowl photographer, Arthur Rothstein, 1936.
Date: April 1936
Creator: Rothstein, Arthur
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Badly Eroded Farmyard

Description: Photograph of a badly eroded farmyard about 20 miles west of the Guthrie Soil Conservation Camp.
Date: March 1936
Creator: Slack, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Bank of Rocky Farm

Description: Photograph of the Bank of Rocky Farm.
Date: July 25, 1936
Creator: Hufnagle, Richard W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Barre & Chelsea (BC) 6

Description: A photograph print showing Barre & Chelsea (BC) 6, 0-6-2 saddle tank switcher.
Date: 1936
Creator: Heath, E. K.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Bear Grass (Yucca Glanca)

Description: Photograph of Bear Grass (Yucca Glanca) after seed pods had formed.
Date: July 25, 1936
Creator: Williams, Quentin
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Bermuda Sod Strips

Description: Photograph of a Bermuda Sod Strips, Guthrie Camp, Stillwater District.
Date: June 13, 1936
Creator: Hufnagle, Richard W.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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