21 Matching Results

Search Results

Street Car Strike

Description: Photograph of a scene during the Street Car Strike on Grand and Hudson Streets, Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: March 5, 1911
Creator: Stone, Fred
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Street Car Strike

Description: Photograph of a crowd in front of the Lee-Huckins Hotel during the Street Car Strike, Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: March 19, 1911
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

American National Bank

Description: Photograph of the American National Bank Building in Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

McAlester, OK

Description: Photograph of a church in McAlester, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Coalgate, OK

Description: Photograph of a usual street scene during cotton season in Coalgate, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co.

Description: Photograph of the Insurance Building housing the Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co. in Oklahoma City, OK, c.1910-1911.
Date: 1910~/1911~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Main Street

Description: Photograph of Main Street, looking east from Hudson, Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: unknown
Creator: Stone, Fred
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Street Car Strike

Description: Photograph of a crowd in front of the Post Office during the Street Car Strike, Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: March 19, 1911
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, 14 days old. Copy print by G.B. Hale, c.1912.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Farm House

Description: Photograph of a farm house, 4 miles from Walters, OK.
Date: 1907~/1914~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Street Car Strike

Description: Photograph of a scene during the Street Car Strike, Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: March 9, 1911
Creator: Stone, Fred
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Home of L. C. Parmenter

Description: Photograph of the home of L. C. Parmenter and two UNIDENTIFIED girls, Holdenville, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

McAlester Handsome Home

Description: Photograph of a residence that is part of the Group of McAlester's Handsome Homes, McAlester, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Street Car Strike

Description: Photograph of a scene during the Street Car Strike on Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: March 10, 1911
Creator: Stone, Fred
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Walters, OK

Description: Photograph of a corn field near Walters, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Overholser House

Description: Photograph of the Overholser House, corner of 15th and Hudson Ave., Oklahoma City, OK, c. 1910-1911.
Date: 1910~/1911~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Overholser Opera House

Description: Photograph of the Overholser Opera House in Oklahoma City, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Walters, OK

Description: Photograph of the High School in Walters, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Edmond, OK

Description: Photograph of a residential street in Edmond, OK, c. 1910-1918.
Date: 1910~/1918~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Kate Barnard

Description: Photograph of Kate Barnard speaking during the Oklahoma City Street Car Strike in Oklahoma City, OK, 2:30 PM, March 10, 1911.
Date: March 10, 1911
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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