2,013 Matching Results

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Santa Fe (ATSF) 57

Description: A photograph print showing the Santa Fe (ATSF) 57 (or 86), 4-4-0, on passenger train, as it appeared in 1913, crossing the Arkansas River bridge and approaching Kaw City, OK. [4 cars] "Photo taken in 1911 by my uncle Ed Farrar".
Date: 1911
Creator: Farrar, Ed
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 3126

Description: A photograph print of Santa Fe (ATSF) 3126, 2-8-2, on northbound oil extra from Cushing, OK, crossing over the top of the grade near milepost 21 of the Second District of the Oklahoma Division, near Apperson, OK, with 60 cars, 15 mph.
Date: August 11, 1945
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 4086

Description: A photograph print of Santa Fe (ATSF) 4086, 2-8-2, on southbound freight extra at Soldani, OK, 58 cars, 25 mph (Second District of Oklahoma Division).
Date: August 11, 1945
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Osage Railway (ORR) 237

Description: A photograph print of Osage Railway (ORR) 237, 2-8-0, on a freight train, Lep, OK.
Date: December 4, 1938
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 4086

Description: A photograph print showing Santa Fe (ATSF) 4086, 2-8-2, on redball freight extra climbing 1 in 167 grade at Soldani, OK, 58 cars, 25 mph.
Date: August 11, 1945
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 1473

Description: A photograph print showing Santa Fe (ATSF) 1473, 4-4-2, on local freight going through cut at top of Soldani Hill near Apperson, OK, 33 cars, 30 mph.
Date: August 11, 1945
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 3126

Description: A photograph print showing Santa Fe (ATSF) 3126, 2-8-2, topping the grade near Apperson, OK, with a 60 car oil extra, 15 mph.
Date: August 11, 1945
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF)1473

Description: A photograph print showing Santa Fe (ATSF) 1473, 4-4-2, on southbound local freight at the top of a long grade in a big cut near Apperson, OK. Milepost 21 of second district of Oklahoma Division. Cut is at top of divide between Arkansas River at Kaw and at Ralston, OK. Engine 1473 is a light, high speed passenger engine with 79" drivers. 33 cars, 30 mph. [Copies to Preston's railroad photographer buddies Perry, Norton (?), (S.R.) Wood, (Wesley) Krambeck, RHK (Richard H. Kindig), Hank (Henry R. … more
Date: August 11, 1945
Creator: George, Preston
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) 579 & 4009 Collision

Description: A 5 x 7 photograph print showing the Santa Fe (ATSF) 579, 2-6-0 (BLW), and 4009, 2-8-2 (BLW) in a head-to-tail collision near Burbank, OK. Locomotive 4001 (2-8-2) to the rescue. [see also 2008.008.6008]
Date: October 10, 1922
Creator: Wood, Sylvan R.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Santa Fe (ATSF) #147

Description: A 5 x 7 photograph print showing Santa Fe (ATSF) 147, 4-6-0 (BLW), in front of water tank and station, Fairfax, OK, 1910, six crewmen standing in front of loco, caboose on rear. (ex: D.E&G #15)
Date: 1910
Creator: Wood, Sylvan R.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ordination of H. B. Morris to Diaconate at Pawhuska

Description: Clergy and congregation standing in front of wood frame church with three windows at center front, and door at far right corner. In the center of the picture is Rev. Herbert B. Morris. He was born in Oklahoma, baptized by Rt. Rev. Francis Key Brooke in 1895, and ordained by Rt. Rev. Theodore Payne Thurston on July 3, 1923. Rt. Rev. Thurston is to the right of Rev. Morris.
Date: 1923
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Exterior of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Pawhuska before 1960

Description: The original church moved to Ninth and Leahy in 1914 with rectory (not seen) built to left of church. The rectory was destroyed by fire in 1960's. It is a white shingled building, covered front entry with double arched door. There is a steep pitched roof with cross at top.
Date: unknown
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Chev. Boardman

Description: Photograph of Skiatook Chevrolet Boardman pumper. Photo taken at the Boardman plant in Oklahoma City. This is a Boardman factory photo.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Pat Childers

Description: Photograph of Sherman F. (Pat) Childers at his desk. A wood name plate is on the front of his desk. Details on the back of the photo.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Antique pumper

Description: Photograph of Pawhuska antique pumper sitting on the street in front of the station, with someone in the drivers seat. Some details on the back, driver unknown.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Original station (8-1-20)

Description: Digital photo of the original Pawhuska fire station.
Date: August 1, 2020
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Antique rig

Description: Photograph of Pawhuska antique pumper sitting on the street in front of the station, with someone in the drivers seat. Some details on the back, driver unknown.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Station (8-1-20)

Description: Photograph of the Pawhuska, OK Fire Department on August 1, 2020.
Date: August 1, 2020
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-2 Pierce (10-8-14)

Description: Photograph of Hominy Engine 2. This truck was later sold to Wynona, OK.
Date: October 8, 2014
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-2 General (10-28-19)

Description: Photograph of Hominy FD Engine 2.
Date: October 28, 2019
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

Roger Whited {12-1-18}

Description: Photograph of retired Hominy Fire Chief, Roger Whited.
Date: December 1, 2018
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum
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