6 Matching Results

Search Results

Olustee, 1905

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Olustee in Jackson County, Oklahoma Territory, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: June 1905
Creator: OK & I.T. Inspection Bureau
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Eldorado, 1906

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Eldorado in Jackson County, Oklahoma Territory, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: April 1906
Creator: OK & I.T. Inspection Bureau
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Blair, 1906

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Blair in Jackson County, Oklahoma Territory, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: June 1906
Creator: Oklahoma Inspection Bureau
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Blair, 1906

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Blair in Jackson County, Oklahoma Territory, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: June 1906
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Duke (East), 1910

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Duke in Jackson County, Oklahoma, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: August 1910
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Duke (East), 1911

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Duke in Jackson County, Oklahoma, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: October 1911
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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