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[Postcard 1975.178.982]

Description: " Parade Float " Condition : good Description : " 3 1/2 " x 8 " ( 2 ) dark horses pulling ( 3 ) - seated decorated buggy. Mrs. Henry S. Johnston, Mrs. John Knox , Mrs. George Foster, Mrs. S.A. Moore, Mrs. Joe Stout , & Mrs. John A. Hansen " History : Donated by unknown
Date: 1920~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.984]

Description: Postcard image of five women in an automobile parade float for Woodruff Merc. Co., covered completely in flowers or decorations. There are two women in the front seats and three in the back; all of the women are wearing decorated hats and two women are holding up decorated parasols. Other people are partially visible in the background.
Date: 1925~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.97.838]

Description: Photograph of 5 women riding in an early day automobile that has been decorated for the Flower Parade. They are carrying 2 umbrellas. Behind them are people, houses, and maybe a church.
Date: 1920~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.978.39]

Description: Photograph of a parade float. The float is covered with "flowers" and has at least seven children riding in it. One girl appears to be holding reins at the front of the float. The float is being "pulled" by butterflies..
Date: 1920~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Photograph 1975.178.1401]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade Float on car. 16 x 21.5cm. " Condition : fair, " little faded, one corner torn. Five children on flower - covered car decorated as butterfly . " History : Donated by Mrs. F. C. Seids On back of photo in ink is written "Mrs. Seids".
Date: 1920~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1328]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade Float on car, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm ' O.E.S. " Condition : good - " little faded. History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: A car decorated for the Flower Parade. Four women are probably representing the Order of the Eastern Star.
Date: 1920~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1330]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade, street scene, Sept 15 - 24 . Enright studio. Post card 9 x 14 cm " Condition : good " little faded, South side of square with library in background, line of children in street. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: CHILDREN, MARCHING PARADE
Date: 1924
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School
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