4 Matching Results

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[Postcard 1975.178.1333]

Description: " Float in parade 1931, post card 8.5 x 14 cm " Condition : good " little faded . Ten young people on back of truck covered with tree branches. Library in background. On Back : Mrs. McCubbin's float - Pat Pratt, Betty Plumer, Dorothy Jean Lobsitz, Mary Lindeman, Jerry Davis, Bonnie Dotts, Joyce Yeager, Billie Bays. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: GIRLS EDUCATION FLOAT
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1325]

Description: " Parade Float, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good , Decorated truck, young men riding on top and fenders in Indian Headress. Young lady on back dated 11-6-31 . " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: TRUCK, PIONEER WOMAN FLOAT
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1327]

Description: " Parade Folat on truck 11-6-31, Enright Studio, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good - " little faded. Seven people on decorated truck dressed as pilgrims. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: CHILDREN & MAN ON TRUCK Supplemental description by Peggy Haxton: Behind the truck are several boys carrying a sign that reads "OKLAHOMA / HISTORY / PERRY JUNIOR HIGH
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1323]

Description: " Parade band on library corner of square dated 11-6-31, Enright Studio, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good, little faded. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: MARCHING BAND, FLAG BEARER
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School
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