47 Matching Results

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[Postcard 1975.178.1317]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade - street scene ; post card colored 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : fair, " little soiled, north side of square, B. J. Woodruff Dry Goods Store sign, crowds on street watching parade " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: "A BUSY DAY IN PERRY OK" and "HAND COLORED" are written at the bottom. The postcard is postmarked 1909, but may be earlier.
Date: 1909
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Photograph 1975.178.1187]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade Float - 1909 " Condition : good - " ( 5 ) edge has ( 5 ) small chips and ( 1 ) small crack " Description : " 5 " x 7 " in glass 9 " x 11 " with 1/2 " metal frame, ( 6 ) identified ladies in decorated wagon, ( 2 ) dk horses with decorated Harness " History : Donated by Mrs. Orville Savage Supplemental description: LADIES, WAGON, HOUSE. Photo is glued onto a page. Below the photo is typed "MRS. JOHN HANSEN, DRIVING / MRS. ERNEST DAVIS / MRS. H. A. MCCANDL… more
Date: 1909
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1320]

Description: " Parade Float, post card, 9 x 20.5 cm " Condition : good, " decorated buggy with team of black horses, four young ladies with decorated parsols " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: 4 LADIES IN BUGGY, CHURCH Supplemental description by Peggy Haxton: On the back of the photo in pencil is "Flower Parade / Sept 16 Perry / Mabel Foster"
Date: 1910
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Photograph 1975.178.1319]

Description: " Parade Float, 10.5 x 16.5 cm " Condition : fair - " worn on edges. Decorated buggy pulled by two black and white spotted horses, two black gentlemen dressed as footmen, four young ladies with parasols.
Date: 1910~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1318]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade Float, 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good - " little faded . In car : Dorothy DeLashmutt, Mable Foster, Ethel L. Johnston and Georgia Herndren. " History : Donated by unknown
Date: unknown
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1321]

Description: Photograph Postcard: " Parade Float, post card, 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good, " decorated buggy pulled by two black horses in tandem, two men holding horses, three young ladies in buggy with parsols. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: LADIES IN BUGGY, MEN IN WHITE
Date: unknown
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1323]

Description: " Parade band on library corner of square dated 11-6-31, Enright Studio, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good, little faded. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: MARCHING BAND, FLAG BEARER
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1324]

Description: : " Parade Float on flat bed wagon, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : fair - " little dark and water stained. Decorated wagon pulled by team of black horses, two men holding horses, seven young ladies standing on float. " History : Donated by unknown
Date: unknown
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1326]

Description: Photographic Postcard: " Parade - street scene, 1909, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition: fair - " little faded . From north west corner of square with post office in center. 15th anniversary of the Strip opening. " Supplemental description by Crozier, D.: As per C. DeJager postcard size is 9 cm x 17.5 cm
Date: 1909
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1322]

Description: Photographic Postcard: " Parade Float, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Conditon : fair - " dark and blurry , Decorated cart purlled two dark horses in tandem, three men standing, four young ladies in cart. " Woodruff Merc. Co. Float " on back. " History : Donated by unknown
Date: unknown
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1325]

Description: " Parade Float, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good , Decorated truck, young men riding on top and fenders in Indian Headress. Young lady on back dated 11-6-31 . " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: TRUCK, PIONEER WOMAN FLOAT
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1327]

Description: " Parade Folat on truck 11-6-31, Enright Studio, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm " Condition : good - " little faded. Seven people on decorated truck dressed as pilgrims. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: CHILDREN & MAN ON TRUCK Supplemental description by Peggy Haxton: Behind the truck are several boys carrying a sign that reads "OKLAHOMA / HISTORY / PERRY JUNIOR HIGH
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1328]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade Float on car, post card 8.5 x 13.5 cm ' O.E.S. " Condition : good - " little faded. History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: A car decorated for the Flower Parade. Four women are probably representing the Order of the Eastern Star.
Date: 1920~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1329]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade, street scene, post card, 12 x 25 cm, " Condition : " copy of soiled postcard, From north west corner of square, crowds of people watching parade " History : Donated by unknown
Date: 1909
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1332]

Description: " Foat in parade, 1910 post card, 8.5 x 14 cm " Condition : " little faded and brown. Lumber wagon decorated with small live pine trees pulled by team of light - colored horses, seven children in wagon. " Sullen Lumber " on side, in front of H. B. Sullen Lumber store, on back " Caroline Bagby ". " History : Donatec by unknown
Date: 1910
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1330]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade, street scene, Sept 15 - 24 . Enright studio. Post card 9 x 14 cm " Condition : good " little faded, South side of square with library in background, line of children in street. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: CHILDREN, MARCHING PARADE
Date: 1924
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1331]

Description: " Waiting for Parade, post card 8.5 x 21 cm " Condition : good " Six young ladies riding decorated horses, decorated buggy in background . " History : Donated by unknown
Date: unknown
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1334]

Description: : " Parade Float 1908, post card 8.5 x 13.5cm " Condition : good " little faded. Horse and buggy that "made the run" in 1893. Riding in decorated buggy : Mrs. Kate Herbert, her daughter Mrs. Jennie Volmer, her grandchildren, Roy and May.
Date: 1908
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1368]

Description: Originally donated to CSHS by: " Parade, North side of square, Perry, Okla. Post card 9 x 13.5cm " Condition : good - " little worn on edges. Full view of buildings with horse drawn decorated carts and buggies, crowds on street. Postmarked 1913. " History : Donated by Mrs. L. E. Plumer
Date: 1913
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1390]

Description: Photographic Postcard: " Parade Float, postcard 8.5 x 14cm. " Condition : good. " Decorated wagon pulled by one dark horse decorated with flowers. Four ladies with papasols - gentleman at horse's head.
Date: unknown
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1333]

Description: " Float in parade 1931, post card 8.5 x 14 cm " Condition : good " little faded . Ten young people on back of truck covered with tree branches. Library in background. On Back : Mrs. McCubbin's float - Pat Pratt, Betty Plumer, Dorothy Jean Lobsitz, Mary Lindeman, Jerry Davis, Bonnie Dotts, Joyce Yeager, Billie Bays. " History : Donated by unknown Supplemental description: GIRLS EDUCATION FLOAT
Date: 1931
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Postcard 1975.178.1367]

Description: " Flower parade Sept. 16, 1910. post card, 8.5 x 13.5cm, round photo in center of card. " Condition : good. " Small covered wagon pulled by two men in cook's aprons and hats " The Palace Market " on side of wagon. "
Date: 1910
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School

[Photograph 1975.178.1372]

Description: Original paperwork by OHS staff: " Parade, street scene. 9.5 x 11.5cm mounting 13.5 x 16cm " Condition : good - " mounting little soiled. Decorated horse - drawn carts and buggies on southeast corner of square. "
Date: 1901~
Partner: Cherokee Strip Museum and Rose Hill School
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