549 Matching Results

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Search Results

Belle Isle Lake

Description: Scan of a postcard showing Belle Isle Lake in Belle Isle Park, Oklahoma City, OK. Published by Sadler & Pennington, Oklahoma City, OK. Postmarked October 7, 1910.
Date: 1910~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Board of Trustees

Description: Photograph of the Board of Trustees, which built the First Presbyterian Church, at 9th Street and Robinson Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK. L to R: front: 1. A. Carroll, 2. Fred Gum, 3. J.E. Crawford, 4. James Chenoweth, 5. J.R. Harris; Back 1. Bunn Booth, 2. T.H. Rogers.
Date: 1910~
Creator: Watton, Harry
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Elite Hotel and Lee-Huckins Hotel in Oklahoma City

Description: Photograph looking down North Broadway in Oklahoma City. The Elite Hotel is in the foreground and the Lee-Huckins Hotel is the 3rd building down. Women in long dresses and men in bowler hats can be seen on the sidewalks. Automobiles are parked on the sides of the street and a streetcar is visible in the lower left.
Date: 1910~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Flood Grocery Store

Description: Photograph of the interior of the Flood Grocery Store, Oklahoma City, OK, c. 1910-1911. The man with his hands in his pockets is Sam Flood Sr. Ernest Flood is the man in the long coat.
Date: 1910~/1911~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Grand Avenue in Oklahoma City

Description: Photograph of Grand Avenue looking east with the Terminal building at the left. Men and women are walking in the street. Two automobiles are parked on the left side of the photo. A trolly is pictured in the center and a horse-drawn carriage is on the right.
Date: 1910~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Harvey Street in Oklahoma City

Description: Photograph looking down Harvey Street in Oklahoma City. A horse and buggy can be seen going retreating on the right side of the street. Cable car tracks are visible in the street as well as many people walking on the sidewalk. Published by H.H. Clarke.
Date: 1910~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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