358 Matching Results

Search Results

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dixon

Description: Photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dixon (marked with a "X") with a group of people in front of a automobile in Wainwright, OK, December 27, 1910. "Happy New Year from Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dixon," written on the back.
Date: December 27, 1910
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma City Interurban

Description: Photograph of the initial trip of first pay as you enter car at the Stockyards, Oklahoma City, OK. Photo by The E. W. Irish Photo Co., Oklahoma City, OK, November 18, 1910.
Date: November 18, 1910
Creator: EW Irish Photo Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Pioneer Telephone

Description: Photograph of Hutchason Crew Pioneer Telephone Company of Sallisaw, Oklahoma posing in a line next to a giant spindle of wire (right) and a wagon pulled by a pair of horses (left). Text on the bottom of the photo says, "Hutchason Crew, Pioneer Telephone Co. Sallisaw, Okla, October 25th, 1910."
Date: October 25, 1910
Creator: Wallace
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma State Fairgrounds

Description: Photograph of the Exposition Building at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City, OK(View 1). Published by Sadler & Pennington, Oklahoma City, OK, postmarked October 7, 1910.
Date: October 7, 1910
Creator: Sadler & Pennington
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma State Fairgrounds

Description: Photograph of the Exposition Building at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City, OK(View 2). Published by Sadler & Pennington, Oklahoma City, OK, postmarked October 5, 1910.
Date: October 5, 1910
Creator: Sadler & Pennington
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

State Complimentary Pass #484

Description: Photograph of the State Complimentary Pass #484 issued to John Hubalka and Lady for the 4th Annual State Fair of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, OK, September 27 to October 9, 1910. Pass issued on September 5, 1910.
Date: September 5, 1910
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Shawnee, OK

Description: Photograph of the entrance to Benson Park in Shawnee, OK. Published by S H Kress & Co. postmarked Sept. 2, 1910.
Date: September 2, 1910
Creator: SH Kress & Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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