19 Matching Results

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Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of a scene at the Ada Nursery. Children play outdoors on playground equipment under the supervision of adults. There is a building in the background.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of wooden buildng with a screened-in porch. A car is parked outside. The photograph is related to the Ada Nursery.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of a scene at the Ada Nursery. Children are lying down for naps on cots.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of a scene at the Ada Nursery. Children play outdoors on playground equipment.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of a scene at the Ada Nursery. ery. Children play outdoors on playground equipment under the supervision of adults. There is a building in the background.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of a scene at the Ada Nursery. Children sit on cots in a room with sunlit windows.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of a scene at the Ada Nursery. Children seated around small tables eat under the supervision of adults. They are eating in a screened-in porch.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Leita Davis

Description: Photograph of Leita Davis, American Association of University Women President, 1942-1944.
Date: unknown
Creator: Watton
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ada Nursery

Description: Photograph of a scene at the Ada Nursery. Children play outdoors under the supervision of adults. The playground is surrounded by a white picket fence. There is a building in the background.
Date: 1938~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Alta Helen McIntosh

Description: Photograph of Alta Helen McIntosh with a note that says, "To A.A.U.W. 18 January 1944."
Date: January 18, 1944
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

"Snow White and Rose Red"

Description: Photograph of a scene from the performance of "Snow White and Rose Red."
Date: March 17, 1970
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Scholarship Presentation

Description: Photograph of, left to right, Sherry Reser, Kate Owen, and Theresa Birdwell during the presentation of two $100 scholarships, at Southwestern State College.
Date: 1969/1971~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

"Tom Sawyer"

Description: Photograph of a scene from the performance of "Tom Sawyer," at Southwestern State College.
Date: July 1970
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Muskogee High School Career Clinic

Description: Photograph of a scene from the Law and Court Reporting session, in the cafeteria, during the Muskogee High School Career Clinic.
Date: March 11, 1971
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Muskogee High School Career Clinic

Description: Photograph of a scene from the Marriage and Homemaking session, in the cafeteria, during the Muskogee High School Career Clinic.
Date: March 11, 1971
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Muskogee High School Career Clinic

Description: Photograph of a scene from the Pilots and Stewardesses session, in Room A147, during the Muskogee High School Career Clinic.
Date: March 11, 1971
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma City U.S. Children's Theatre

Description: Photograph of L to R: Russ Whitnah, Denise Moses, and Jean Cantrell in a presentation by the Oklahoma City U.S. Children's Theatre, in Purcell, OK, sponsored by the American Association of University Women.
Date: March 16, 1971
Creator: Oklahoma City University Department of Public Relations
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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