220 Matching Results

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101 Ranch

Description: Photograph of an Indian camp on the 101 Ranch, near Ponca City, OK, postmarked August 31, 1908.
Date: August 31, 1908
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

101 Ranch Ball Team

Description: Photograph of the 101 Ranch baseball team with the Ponca City baseball team. The seated row are marked with their first names L to R: Barney, Rick, Tom, Bill, Lester, Harry and Bill. The others are UNIDENTIFIED.
Date: August 1908
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Alexander Drug Co.

Description: Photograph of Alexander Drug Co., Wholesale Druggists, southeast corner of Northwest 1st Street and Harvey Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK. Photo by Meyers Photo Shop, Oklahoma City, OK, August 1946.
Date: August 21, 1946
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Alexander Drug Co.

Description: Photograph of Alexander Drug Co., Wholesale Druggists, southeast corner of Northwest 1st Street and Harvey Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK. Photo by Meyers Photo Shop, Oklahoma City, OK, August 1946.
Date: August 21, 1946
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Alice Davis' Inauguration as Chief

Description: Photograph of front row: Alice Locke, Alice Davis, Joyette Jones. Back row: Joyce Davis Jones, Mrs. Ben Locke, Mrs. M.C. Jones, Mrs. H.W. Livinam, Mrs. Vernon Kiker, and Mrs. W.S. Key on the steps of the Federal Building, in Muskogee, OK, on the day Alice Davis was sworn in as Chief of the Seminoles, August 16, 1922.
Date: August 16, 1922
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

American Indian Exposition

Description: Photograph of an American Indian Exposition, Aug. 19, 1944.
Date: August 19, 1944
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of a street corner in New Orleans.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of the entrance to the Seminole Indian Nation in Florida.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of Seminole Indian housing in Florida.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of Antoines Restaurant in New Orleans
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of an unidentified woman standing before a statue and behind cannons.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of Court of the Two Sisters in New Orleans.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of an unidentified woman on a bridge looking down at the everglade's foliage.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of Edison Laboratory in Ft. Myers, FL.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of unidentified man giving his dog a drink.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of the statue of Lafayette in Lafayette Square, New Orleans.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Ammon's Vacations

Description: Photograph of the oldest house in St. Augustine, FL.
Date: 1956-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko Indian Exposition

Description: Photograph of the Highway Patrol Booth at the Anadarko Indian Exposition, Anadarko, OK, August 27, 1949.
Date: August 27, 1949
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, OK

Description: Photograph of Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory, immediately after the land lottery. Businesses shown are J.W. Dakes Blacksmith, Homestyle Restaurant, Sanborn and Coffee Groceries. Men, women and saddled horses stand among wooden buildings. Photo by Russell Art Gallery, Anadarko, OK, Aug. 1901.
Date: August 1901
Creator: Russell Art Gallery
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of men lined up in front of the "First State" on the first day at the new Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: August 19, 1901
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anadarko, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of Anadarko, OK. Territory a week after the opening.
Date: August 19, 1901
Creator: Hume, Annette
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Anna Dalke Brillhart

Description: Photograph of Anna Dalke Brillhart, 1885-1967, c. Aug. 1955.
Date: 1955-08~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aunt Jewell

Description: Photograph of Aunt Jewell, printed August 7, 1939.
Date: August 7, 1939
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aunt Jewell and Uncle Claude

Description: Photograph of Aunt Jewell and Uncle Claude, printed August 7, 1939.
Date: August 7, 1939
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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