5 Matching Results

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First National Bank

Description: Photograph of the First National Bank, Stonewall, Indian Territory, August 16, 1904.
Date: August 16, 1904
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Coweta, OK

Description: Photograph of Broadway in Coweta, OK, August 16, 1907.
Date: August 16, 1907
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

University of Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of L to R: Gymnasium, Library, Main Hall, and the Science Hall at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma Territory, from the University Newsletter, August 16, 1907.
Date: August 16, 1907
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Alice Davis' Inauguration as Chief

Description: Photograph of front row: Alice Locke, Alice Davis, Joyette Jones. Back row: Joyce Davis Jones, Mrs. Ben Locke, Mrs. M.C. Jones, Mrs. H.W. Livinam, Mrs. Vernon Kiker, and Mrs. W.S. Key on the steps of the Federal Building, in Muskogee, OK, on the day Alice Davis was sworn in as Chief of the Seminoles, August 16, 1922.
Date: August 16, 1922
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Depot Hill, Purcell, OK

Description: Photograph of the Depot Hill, looking west from the Santa Fe Depot in Purcell, OK. Printed by Bradford & Co., St. Joseph, MI, mailed Aug. 16, 1910.
Date: August 16, 1910
Creator: Bradford & Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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