8,032 Matching Results

This system will be undergoing maintenance October 10th between 9:00AM and 12:00PM CDT.

Search Results

Bermudagrass on Cleared Land on Walnut Creek Bottomland

Description: Photograph of Hadley Meinders, WUC, and Leonard Wyatt examining Bermudagrass on cleared land at Walnut Creek Bottomland. A house and a few heads of cattle in background. The photo does not clarify the position of Hadley Meinders and Leonard Wyatt. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Bermudagrass on cleared land.”
Date: July 1967
Creator: Dowling, Leo E.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Garland Coal Company Dragline Operation

Description: Photograph of a Garland Coal Company dragline in operation. The back of the photograph proclaims, “View of huge drag-line in operation. Owned by Garland Coal Company. Drag bucket capacity is 34 cu. Yds. Drag-line is capable of stripping coal 90-feet deep.”
Date: March 30, 1967
Creator: Eaton, James L.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Profile of Shellabarger Fine Sandy Loam

Description: Photograph of Shellabarger fine sandy loam eight miles SW of Anadarko, on A. C. Truex Farm. A measuring stick is on the left side of the photo. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Shellabarger Fine Sandy Loam.”
Date: July 21, 1967
Creator: Moffatt, H. H.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Haskell County Soybeans

Description: Photograph of soybeans growing two miles NW of Whitefield on mapping unit 15H. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Soybeans growing on mapping unit 15H.”
Date: August 9, 1967
Creator: Brinlee, R. C.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Vernon Complex

Description: Photograph of "Area of Vernon Complex, steep, showing almost total absence of vegetation" in Garvin County.
Date: Spring 1967
Creator: Sparwasser, W. A. & Fry, Chester
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Roscoe Long showing A. J. Maxwell Depth to Calcium Carbonite Concretions of the Bethany Soils

Description: Photograph of Roscoe Long Soil Scientist, SCS, showing A. J. Maxwell, Soil Scientist, SCS, depth to calcium carbonite concretions of the Bethany soils. People shown in photo go as followed from left to right: 1. Roscoe Long, 2. A. J. Maxwell. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Roscoe Long, Soil Scientist, SCS, showing the depth to calcium carbonite concretions of the Bethany soils to A. J. Maxwell, Soil Scientist, SCS."
Date: April 1967
Creator: Croom, Dan
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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