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Description: Photograph of a seated woman in a dress and tiara holding a cat. Caption: "Club president Mrs. Sammy Eagy manages to show two of her hobbies in this picture-square dancing (her dress) and raising cats (note the Siamese kitten in her lap)."
Date: August 4, 1967
Creator: Albright, Bob
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph is of a man in a suit and tie looking at a map on a wall next to him.. Caption: "Steve Ellis has been named co-ordinator of the Human Resources Center in the Oklahoma City school system's department of instructional media."
Date: June 12, 1967
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph is of two men in military uniforms sitting at a cafeteria style table eating a meal. Caption: "CADETS THIRD CLASS (sophomores) John D. Fitzpatrick, Tulsa, and Daniel M. Tibetts, Lawton, are glad to take a break in their day's schedule for lunch in the Air Force Academy dining hall."
Date: July 23, 1967
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of two men in military uniforms sitting at a cafeteria style table eating a meal. Caption: "Good eating---- cadets third class (soph.) John D. Fitzpatrick, Tulsa, and Daniel M. Tibetts, Lawton, seem mighty happy about the quality and quantity of the food at the Air Force Academy Cadet Dining Hall."
Date: June 19, 1967
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph is of two men in military dress uniforms eating at a cafeteria style dining table. Caption: "Good eating---- cadets third class (soph.) John D. Fitzpatrick, Tulsa, and Daniel M. Tibetts, Lawton, seem mighty happy about the quality and quantity of the food at the Air Force Academy Cadet Dining Hall."
Date: June 19, 1967
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

50th Anniversary of the Oklahoma County Chapter

Description: Photograph of receipt a Certificate of Appreciation to the Oklahoma Chapter of the American National Red Cross on the occasion of its 50th Anniversary of Humanitarian Service. Issuing the certificate is James Collins of the American Red Cross and the Oklahoma Chapter's unidentified representative. On the photograph is written "Best wishes to the Oklahoma County Red Cross Chapter, James Collins."
Date: 1967~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Agricultural Economists Ronnie L. Clark and Aydin Altunkays Investigating the Extent of Agricultural and Nonagricultural Properties Subject to Floodwater Damage in the Line Creek Watershed

Description: Photograph of "Agricultural Economists Ronnie L. Clark, WPS #1, and Aydin Altunkays, Turkey, investigate the extent of agricultural and nonagricultural properties subject to floodwater damage in the Line Creek Watershed." People shown in photo go as followed from left to right: 1. Ronnie L. Clark, WPS #1, 2. Aydin Altunkays.
Date: July 1967
Creator: Croom, Dan F.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Angus Cattle Grazing on Rye, Austrian Winter Peas, and Volunteer Vetch

Description: Photograph of nine Angus cows grazing on rye, Austrian winter peas, and volunteer vetch in a pecan orchard. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Angus cattle grazing on rye, Austrian winter peas, and some volunteer vetch. Crop growing in pecan orchard. Field has been well ferilized [sic]."
Date: April 25, 1967
Creator: Hager, P. E.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

[Aydin Altunkaya and Ronnie Clark Viewing Aerial Photo]

Description: Photograph of Aydin Altunkaya of Turkey and Ronnie L. Clark using an aerial photograph to determine bottomland areas, which might be subject to floodwater damages in the Line Creek Watershed. People shown in photo go as followed from left to right: 1. Aydin Altunkaya, 2. Ronnie L. Clark. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Agricultural Economists Aydin Altunkaya of Turkey and Ronnie L. Clark (right) WPS #1, determines from aerial photograph that the bottomland areas which might be subject to… more
Date: July 1967
Creator: Croom, Dan F.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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