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Description: Photograph of 89ers. Photo by That Man Stone, Oklahoma City, OK, April 20, 1913.
Date: April 20, 1913
Creator: That Man Stone Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of 89ers. Photo by That Man Stone, Oklahoma City, OK, April 20, 1913.
Date: April 20, 1913
Creator: That Man Stone Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Art Smith

Description: Photograph of Art Smith landing his Curtis Biplane at the fairground during the 12th anniversary celebration, Lawton, OK.
Date: 1913~
Creator: Bates, Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Bassett Building

Description: Photograph of the Bassett Building, 100 North Broadway, Oklahoma City, OK. Published by Sadler & Pennington, Oklahoma City, OK, postmarked October 11, 1913.
Date: October 13, 1913
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Byron, 1913

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Byron in Alfalfa County, Oklahoma, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: April 1913
Creator: Oklahoma Inspection Bureau
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Cheyenne Short Line (CSL) #8 (neg)

Description: A photograph negative of the Cheyenne Short Line (CSL) #8, 4-4-0, Cheyenne, OK between 1913 and 1917. "Originally built by Pittsburg for the Louisville, St. Louis & Texas Railway. Became No. 8 of Louisville, Henderson & St. Louis Railway upon reorganization in May 1896. Sold by LH&StL at Cloverport, KY, to CSL on June 13, 1913. Lon Ogle, fireman - left - and Orville Coons, engineman - on right . Copy of a negative from picture loaned me by Orville Coon."
Date: 1913
Creator: Coons, Orville
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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