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Description: Photograph of the campus and buildings from the Girls' Dormitory at Bacone Indian University, Muskogee, OK, c. 1908. Photo by William Prentiss Greene, Muskogee, OK.
Date: 1908~
Creator: Greene, William Prentiss
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Blackwell, OK

Description: Scan of a postcard showing a street scene, looking north, Blackwell, OK. Published by the Acmegraph Co., Chicago, IL. Postmarked September 12, 1908.
Date: 1908~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Blanchard, OK

Description: Photograph of the Blanchard Grain and Oil Co., located near the southeast corner of Blanchard, OK, c.1908. There were the town's first elevators and gins.
Date: 1908~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Broadway Avenue

Description: Photograph of Hills Business College, American Brick and Tile Co., Candies, Pioneer Telephone Office, and Rueb's Café, Northwest corner of Broadway and Main, Oklahoma City, OK, c.1908.
Date: 1908~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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