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Grand, OK

Description: Photograph of the front page of the Day County Tribune from Grand, OK, Dec. 21, 1893.
Date: December 21, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Congregational Church

Description: Photograph of "Congregational Church, Reverend A.V. Francis, Pastor." - The Independent, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, December 16, 1893.
Date: December 16, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Military Reservation

Description: Photograph of an engraving by Sanders Engraving Co. of the "Military Reservation at Oklahoma City." - The Independent, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, December 16, 1893.
Date: December 16, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of "Oklahoma City from the Fairgrounds." - The Independent, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Territory, December 16, 1893.
Date: December 16, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Grand, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of an aerial view of Grand, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: December 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Main Street, Duncan, I.T.

Description: Photograph of Main Street, looking west, Duncan, Indian Territory.
Date: November 1893
Creator: Irwin, William Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Officers' Quarters

Description: Photograph looking north at a portion of the Officers' Quarters at Fort Reno, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by William Edward Irwin, Nov. 1893.
Date: November 1893
Creator: Irwin, William Edward
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of the East side Square, looking north, Perry, Oklahoma Territory.
Date: November 1893
Creator: Irwin and Mankin
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph looking northwest on SGR in Perry, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Irwin & Mankin, Duncan, Indian Territory, Nov. 1893.
Date: November 1893
Creator: Irwin & Mankin
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph looking northwest from the southeast corner of SGR in Perry, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Irwin & Mankin, Duncan, Indian Territory, Nov. 1893.
Date: November 1893
Creator: Irwin & Mankin
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of the east side of SGR looking north in Perry, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Irwin & Mankin, Duncan, Indian Territory, Nov. 1893.
Date: November 1893
Creator: Irwin & Mankin
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Principal Street, Duncan, I.T.

Description: Photograph of Principal Street, at 5:30 p.m., Duncan, Indian Territory.
Date: November 1893
Creator: Irwin, William Edward & Mankins, Jack
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of 6th Street looking north from the corner of C Street in Perry, Oklahoma Territory, October 27, 1893.
Date: October 27, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B1017.0183]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "C street and Auction Corner, October 24th, 1893."
Date: October 24, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of Northern Perry, Oklahoma Territory, October 3, 1893.
Date: October 3, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of Government acre, on C Street, in Northwest Perry, Oklahoma Territory, October 3, 1893.
Date: October 3, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B1017.0176]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Birds eye view of Perry, Okla., Early Days, Oct. 3, 1893"
Date: October 3, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B1017.0184]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Birds eye view of Perry, Okla. Early Days, Oct. 3rd 1893"
Date: October 3, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Perry, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of Pilgrims in Line at the Banbox in Perry, Oklahoma Territory, October 2, 1893.
Date: October 2, 1893
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Enid, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of the butcher ready to sell his wares in Enid, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Charles H Dome, October 1893.
Date: October 1893
Creator: Dome, Charles H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Enid, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of the north side of Broadway, east side of the public square in Enid, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Charles H Dome, October 1893.
Date: October 1893
Creator: Dome, Charles H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Enid, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of tents being used for a grocery store, barber shop, land office and attorneys in Enid, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Charles H Dome, October 1893.
Date: October 1893
Creator: Dome, Charles H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Enid, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of the east Broadway in Enid, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Charles H Dome, October 1893.
Date: October 1893
Creator: Dome, Charles H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Enid, Oklahoma Territory

Description: Photograph of the east side of the public square in Enid, Oklahoma Territory. Photo by Charles H Dome, October 1893.
Date: October 1893
Creator: Dome, Charles H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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