6 Matching Results

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Conser Methodist Church

Description: Photograph of the Conser Methodist Church, Conser, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

"Illustrious 8th"

Description: Photograph of the "Illustrious 8th," taught by Ada Conser, Heavener, OK. 1. Leland Dial, 4. Claude Eskridge, 6. Purvis, 7. Oscar Graham, 8. Victor McClain, 9. George Rockwell, 11. Ada Conser Carnall, 12. Matalane Mizell, 13. Dale Pitts, 14. Agnes Worrell, 15. Phaes Smith, 17. Orine Pitchford, 19. Doris Metzger, 20. Evelyn Mason, 22. Haskell Pitts, 23. Garner Bates, 25. Herbert Riling, 26. Sumpter, 27. Buck Stewart, 28. Mizell, 29. Grace Kyle, 30. Juanita Teeter.
Date: 1921~/1922~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Normal School

Description: Photograph of Native American teachers attending Normal Training School, Poteau, OK. Ada Conser, Choctaw, sitting at left.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Poteau Schools

Description: Photograph of a group at Poteau Schools, where the Normal School for teachers was taught during the summers, Poteau, OK.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

School Class

Description: Photograph of a school class, Reichert, OK. View includes: Ada Conser, Cleo Johnston (Mrs. Lincoln Nolan), Rosie Pennington (moody), Mate (Howard) Simms, Sally Hayes (Wade), Emma Smith (Gainer), Ora White (Mrs. M.L. Cox), Cecil Smith, and Vic McClain.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Tuskahoma Female Institute 9th Grade Class

Description: Photograph of the Tuskahoma Female Institute 9th Grade Class, Tuskahoma, OK. L to R: Julia Bryant, Sue Townson, Mary McClure, Ada Conser, Reta Simple, Bessie Breedlove, Alice Lewis, Rosa Leflore, and Principal Amanda Edd.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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