4 Matching Results

Search Results

North Family

Description: Photograph of Mr. L.H. (Lyman) North and Mrs. M. C. (Martha) North with daughter Uella North taken in 1891 by E. W. Oliver in Oklahoma City. Uella North is five months old. This is a 3" X 4" black and white copy of the original.
Date: 1891
Creator: Oliver, E. W.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Hoyette North, Martha North, and Miss English

Description: Photograph of Hoyette North (young woman), Grandmother Martha North (older woman without had), and Miss English (wearing hat with feather in it). The photo was taken in c. 1910.
Date: 1910~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Martha North, Hoyette North, and Miss English

Description: Photograph of Martha North sitting on the porch in Oklahoma city with granddaughter Hoyette North (facing her with hat) and Miss English (wearing had with feature in it) taken in c. 1910.
Date: 1910~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

North Family

Description: Photograph of Mr. Lyman North with wife Martha North (to his right) and daughters Uella and Hoyette (1908).
Date: March 5, 1908
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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