843 Matching Results

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E-1 (4-20-18)

Description: Photograph of Purcell E-1.
Date: April 20, 2018
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-1 (9-24-16)

Description: Photograph of Cole FD Engine 1. Rig info on photo. Photo taken in Goldsby, OK.
Date: September 24, 2016
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-1 (12-8-17)

Description: Photograph of Newcastle FD Engine 1.
Date: December 8, 2017
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-1 & E-2 (4-20-18)

Description: Photograph of Purcell FD twin white E-One pumpers, E-1 and E-2, parked in front of PFD station 1. Photo and apparatus details on back.
Date: April 20, 2018
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-2 (4-20-18)

Description: Photograph of Purcell E-2.
Date: April 20, 2018
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-3 (4-25-21)

Description: Photograph of Goldsby FD Engine 3, a 1999 Freightliner/Central States pumper.
Date: April 25, 2021
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-3 1950 Boardman

Description: Photograph of Purcell FD E-3, a 1950 Ford/Boardman pumper. Boardman Factory photo taken by Ray Jacoby in Oklahoma City.
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

E-23 (4-20-18)

Description: Photograph of Purcell FD E-23.
Date: April 20, 2018
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum

30 Acres of Corn Destroyed via Flood on Finn Creek Farm

Description: Photograph of a stripped cornfield on Finn Creek farm after flooded destroyed nearly 30 acres of corn. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Nearly 30 acres of corn lost to flood on Finn Creek. Yield of corn not washed out by flood cut down."
Date: July 19, 1950
Creator: Putman, Jack
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

E-75 (4-1-13)

Description: Photograph of Rosedale FD E-75. This rig was originally owned by the Purcell FD.
Date: April 1, 2013
Partner: Oklahoma State Firefighters Museum


Description: An Oklahoma Highway Patrolman rests his foot on a tree limb as he watches the smoke rise from the carcass of the airplane that crashed into the wooded area. Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma City Times newspaper. Caption: "A state trooper examines wreckage of fatal airplane crash near Purcell."
Date: May 5, 1969
Creator: Hill, Ron
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Smoldering remains of an airplane that crashed into a wooded hillside. Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Sheared prop and charred metal scar woods southeast of Purcell."
Date: May 5, 1969
Creator: Hill, Ron
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society


Description: Photograph of a man examining a stamp book. Caption: "In twelve days Dr. Arnold A. Cooperman has delivered six babies and added a new stamp to his collection."
Date: December 13, 1951
Creator: Lucas, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aerial Shot of East Branch Bitter Creek Watershed Detention Reservoir #4

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of East Branch Bitter Creek Watershed Detention Reservoir #4 and the surrounding area. The back of the photograph proclaims, "East Branch Bitter Creek – Wa – No. 4. Detention Reservoir. Drainage Area: 1525 acres (6 acres in cultivation; 1280 acres in pasture & 240 acres in abandoned cropland.) Soil Units: About 10%, deep, medium textured, moderately permeable; About 75%; shallow, medium textured, moderately permeable; about 15% is 28, rough broken or stony land. Cal… more
Date: July 30, 1948
Creator: Ginter Photo Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial Shot of Owl Creek Site No. 1 Detention Reservoir

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of Owl Creek Site No. 1 Detention Reservoir and the surrounding area. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Owl Creek OK-SCD-13-Wa. Site No. 1. Detention Reservoir. This photo was taken when heavy rains of May 18 reached peak flow at this reservoir, which was empty before rain. Water filled permanent pool and rose 30 inches above lip of draw-down pipe. Flood land below would have flooded but for Detention Reservoir.”
Date: May 19, 1949
Creator: Ginter Photo Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial Shot of Site 4, Owl Creek Watershed Floodwater Retarding Structure

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of Site 4, Owl Creek Watershed floodwater retarding structure, a home and barn, and the surrounding area. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Site 4, floodwater retarding structure. D. A. .47 sq. mi. total cap. 130 A. F., total area 19.0 A., sediment storage 1.13 in., flood storage 4.08 in., 17,950 cu. yd.”
Date: October 31, 1955
Creator: Brune, G. M.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial Shot of Site #5, Owl Creek

Description: Photograph of an aerial shot of Site #5, Owl Creek and the surrounding area. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Owl Creek Site #5. Slight damage to newly sodded spillway after 12” following 15.5” rain of May 9-10."
Date: 1950~
Creator: Ginter Photo Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Aerial View of Purcell, Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of an aerial view of Purcell, Oklahoma.
Date: January 1958
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aerial View of Purcell, Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of an aerial view of Purcell, Oklahoma.
Date: January 1958
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aerial View of Purcell, Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of an aerial view of Purcell, Oklahoma.
Date: January 1958
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aerial View of Purcell, Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of an aerial view of Purcell, Oklahoma.
Date: January 1958
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aerial View of Purcell, Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of an aerial view of Purcell, Oklahoma.
Date: January 1958
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Aerial View of Purcell, Oklahoma

Description: Photograph of an aerial view of Purcell, Oklahoma.
Date: January 1958
Creator: Meyers Photo Shop
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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