41 Matching Results

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Description: Photograph of hope Homesteaders gambling in the streets of Purcell, Indian Territory, with unassigned lands in the background across the South Canadian River, c.1889.
Date: 1889~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell, Indian Territory

Description: Photograph looking east to Purcell, Indian Territory.
Date: 1889~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

U.S. Commissioner's Office

Description: Photograph of a large crowd outside the U.S. Commissioner's Office in Purcell, Indian Territory, for the Land Opening of 1889.
Date: 1889~
Creator: Lenny
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell, OK

Description: Photograph of "Cotton Day" on Main St. in Purcell, Indian Territory (OK), Oct. 21, 1897.
Date: October 21, 1897
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Main Street

Description: Photograph of Main Street, Purcell, Indian Territory.
Date: October 21, 1899
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Blanchard, OK

Description: Photograph of the lake created by the Santa Fe Railroad track bed on the southwest corner of Blanchard, OK, c.1908. The picnic area was on the west side of the lake.
Date: 1908~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell, OK

Description: Photograph of a post card of Main Street, looking east, Purcell, OK. Printed by J. Bowers Photographic Co., London and Topeka, KS, postmarked January 30, 1909.
Date: January 30, 1909
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Saline Sullivan

Description: Photograph of Saline Sullivan, Purcell, OK, c.1910-1918.
Date: 1910~/1918~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Depot Hill, Purcell, OK

Description: Photograph of the Depot Hill, looking west from the Santa Fe Depot in Purcell, OK. Printed by Bradford & Co., St. Joseph, MI, mailed Aug. 16, 1910.
Date: August 16, 1910
Creator: Bradford & Co.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Harrison Bros. Hardware and Implements Signs

Description: Photograph of a large group of women and girls with Harrison Bros. Hardware and Implements Store promotional signs, Byars, OK, c. 1912-1918.
Date: 1912~/1918~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Harrison Garage Co.

Description: Photograph of Edwin R. Harrison, Elmer Ferguson, Lester Jones, and Howard Grider in front of the Edwin R. Harrison Garage Co., Byars, OK, c. 1918.
Date: 1918~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell 3rd Grade Class

Description: Photograph of a 3rd Grade Class, from the Mary Simpson School, Teacher, Effie Forrest (later Mrs. James Bell), Purcell, OK. First row: L to R: 1. Mildred Hammond, 2. Lucille Scott, 3. Lepnard Tuggle, 4. Frances Stevens, 5. Leonard McKinney (or Grey), 6. Cleo Jacobs, 7. Pauline Waters, 8. Hazel Smallwood, 9. Martha Cowan (Martha Louis), 10. Leo Hays; Second row: 1. Hazel Wolfe, 2. Helen Jones, 3. Bill Hanks, 4. Joyce Lamb, 5. Violet Vickers, 6. Cletith Roper, 7. Mary Jane Shi, 8. Chadwell, 9. Ju… more
Date: 1926~/1927~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

J. V. Jacks

Description: Photograph of J. V. Jacks in his tire & battery shop, south side, Main Street, Purcell, OK, c. 1927. His shop was located on the south side of the street next to where the U. S. Post Office is now located (on east side of Post Office). The original photograph is in the possession of Mrs. Leora Bishop, 121 S.W. 83rd, Oklahoma City.
Date: 1927~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell, OK

Description: Photograph of the McClain Abstract Co. in Purcell, OK, July 1927.
Date: July 1927
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell 5th Grade Class

Description: Photograph of a 5th Grade Class, from the Purcell Grade School, Purcell, OK. First row: L to R: 1. Earl Hulse, 2. Forrest Stout, 3. Bill Hanks, 4. Mark Townsend; Second row: 1. Wynona Young, 2. Violet Vickers, 3. Leora Jacks, 4. Cletith Roper, 5. Mary Beth Barefoot, 6. Margaret McDevitt, 7. Frances Stevens, 8. Cleo Jacobs; Third row: 1. Lucille Scott, 2. June Mullins, 3. Joyce Lamb, 4. Hazel Wolfe, 5. Charles Bowling, 6. Leo Hays, 7. Hubert Chadwell, 8. Bill Gladney; Fourth row: 1. J. T. Crawfo… more
Date: 1928~/1929~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell 9th Grade Class

Description: Photograph of a 9th Grade Class, from Purcell High School, Purcell, OK. First row: L to R: 1. Ruby Reeves, Teacher & Class Sponsor, 2. Ola Thomas, 3. Iva West, 4. Lillian Hudson, 5. Ethel Marquis, 6. Leora Jacks, 7. Thelma Marshall, 8. June Mullins, 9. Lucille Scott, 10. Anita Motsenbocke, 11. Mabel Marshall, 12. Ione Bowlan; Second row: 1. Mabel Thomas, 2. Clara Fay Hogue, 3. Hazel Wolfe, 4. Mary Elizabeth Pugh, 5. Margaret Kitch, 6. Naomi Hilterbrand, 7. Gracie Mae Idleman, 8. Joyce Lamb, 9. … more
Date: 1932~/1933~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell 10th Grade Class

Description: Photograph of a 10th Grade Class, from Purcell High School, Purcell, OK. First row: L to R: 1. Rex Sparlin, 2. Mildred Hammond, 3. Ethel Marquis, 4. Lillian Hudson, 5. June Mullins, 6. Joyce Lamb, 7. Mabel Thomas, 8. Francis Boudreau, 9. Lucille Scott, 10. Leora Jacks, 11. Mabel Marshall, 12. James Edward Williams; Second row: 1. Ola Thomas, 2. Margaret Kitch, 3. Opal Thomas, 4. Mildred Mote, 5. Mamie Simeroth, 6. Hazel Wolfe, 7. Roberta Yeary, 8. J. B. Criswell, 9. Ione Adams (teacher); Third … more
Date: 1933~/1934~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell 11th Grade Class

Description: Photograph of a 11th Grade Class, from Purcell High School, Purcell, OK. First row: L to R: 1. Mabel Thomas, 2. June Mullins, 3. Ione Bowlan, 4. Ola Thomas, 5. Lillian Hudson, 6.Leora Jacks, 7. Lucille Scott 8. Mildred Hammond; Second row: 1. Margaret ('’Maggie”) Kitch, 2. Jimmie Williams, 3. Joyce Lamb, 4. Dixie Lee Talley, 5. Ethel Marquis, 6. Mamie Simeroth, 7. Roberta Yeary; Third row: 1. Mildred Mote, 2. Opal Thomas (face half shown), 3. Hazel Wolfe; Fourth row: 1. Mary Black (Teacher), 2.… more
Date: 1934~/1935~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Purcell 12th Grade Class

Description: Photograph of a 12th Grade Class, from Purcell High School, Purcell, OK. First row: L to R: 1. Johnnie Yoakum, 2. Mabel Thomas, 3. Leora Jacks, 4. June Mullins, 5. Ione Bowlan, 6. Ethel Marquis, 7. Lillian Hudson, 8. Jeanne Campbell, 9. Margaret ('’Maggie”) Kitch; Second row: 1. Ila B. Duren, 2. Velma Harnish, 3. Naomi Hilterbrand, 4. Jimmie Williams, 5. Bete Nance, 6. Opal Thomas, 7. James Williams; Third row: 1. Lawrence Williams, 2. J. W. (O.D.) Tinsley, 3. Lloyd Collier, 4. Bill Hanks, 5. F… more
Date: [1934,1935]
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Golden Jubilee Parade

Description: Photograph of L to R: Governor Leon C. "Red" Phillips and Rep. Purman Wilson riding in the Golden Jubilee Parade, Purcell, OK.
Date: 1937~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Fred Jones' Funeral

Description: Photograph of Oklahoma Highway Patrol Officers carrying the casket of Fred Jones, Purcell, OK, c.1959.
Date: 1959~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Fred Jones' Funeral

Description: Photograph of Fred Jones' funeral, Purcell, OK, c.1959.
Date: 1959~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Fred Jones' Funeral

Description: Photograph of Fred Jones' funeral, Purcell, OK, c.1959.
Date: 1959~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Fred Jones' Funeral

Description: Photograph of Oklahoma Highway Patrol officers at Fred Jones' funeral, Purcell, OK, c.1959.
Date: 1959~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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