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Miss Fletcher Wickham

Description: Miss Fletcher Wickham standing beside sign for St. Basil's Protestant Episcopal Church. Information on back of photo states the house was the first building of St. Basil's Episcopal Church, Tahlequah, located at corner of York and Vinita Streets.
Date: 1959
Partner: Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of Dr. Mathis, Superindentent, OK Methodist home for children, on the right & Robert F. Shapley, Work Unit Conservationist [WUC], Tahlequah, Cherokee Country Soil Conservation District [SCD], inspecting native bluestem for possible seed harvest. This field yielded approximately 200 pounds of sry seed per acre. 55 acres. 2 tons of agricultural limestone and 160 pounds of 0-20-0 fertilizer per acre were applied in 1951. Hay cut this year in early June, mostly of cheatgrass. OK-166-5.
Date: October 16, 1955
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Sundown Ranch Bermudagrass Pasture, Cows & Calf/Cherokee Hills RC&D Project

Description: Photograph of a small herd of cows and calves grazing on a Bermudagrass field on the Sun Down Ranch. The Bermuda planting was originally an abandoned strawberry field. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Bermuda planting on abandoned strawberry field on Sun Down Ranch, Cherokee County."
Date: May 1972
Creator: Moss, Allen R.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Sundown Ranch Bermudagrass Pasture, Cows & Calves/Cherokee Hills RC&D Project

Description: Photograph of a small herd of cows and calves grazing on a Bermudagrass field on the Sun Down Ranch. The Bermuda planting was originally an abandoned strawberry field. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Bermuda planting on abandoned strawberry field on Sun Down Ranch, Cherokee County."
Date: May 1972
Creator: Moss, Allen R.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

A Smooth Chert Savannah Range Site In Good Condition

Description: Photograph of a forested area and brush growing on a smooth chert, savannah range site. The back of the photograph proclaims, "A smooth chert savannah range site in good condition, the soil is Clarksville stony silt loam, 5 to 12 percent slopes. Grass production could be increased significantly by reducing the canopy through aerial brush control. This photo was taken for Craig Co report & has not been used."
Date: January 16, 1967
Creator: Moss, Allen R.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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