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Cherokee Female Seminary

Description: Photograph of 23 students at the gate of the Cherokee Female Seminary, Tahlequah, Indian Territory. Photo by E. H. Hebard and Sons, Tahlequah, Indian Territory, and Lincoln, NE, c. 1889.
Date: 1889~
Creator: E. H. Hebard and Sons
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B1271.0233]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Barbecue pit for Dedication Day, Cherokee Female Seminary, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, May 7, 1889. Now Northeastern State University."
Date: May 7, 1889
Creator: Standiford, J. F.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Carnival Day

Description: Photograph of men dressed in Native American regalia during Carnival Day in Tahlequah, Indian Territory. Photo by Jennie Ross Cobb, c. 1896-1902.
Date: 1896~/1902~
Creator: Cobb, Jennie Ross
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Carnival Day

Description: Photograph of the Williams Hardware Co. Harness Department's float in an Indian Territory Parade on Carnival Day in Tahlequah, Indian Territory. Photo by Jennie Ross Cobb, c. 1896-1906.
Date: 1896~/1906~
Creator: Cobb, Jennie Ross
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Cherokee Female Seminary

Description: Photograph of students walking along the board sidewalk that led from the Cherokee Female Seminary into Tahlequah, Indian Territory. Photo by Jennie Ross Cobb, c. 1896-1906.
Date: 1896~/1906~
Creator: Cobb, Jennie Ross
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

George M. Murrell Home

Description: Photograph of Robert Bruce Ross, Jr. on a horse behind the George M. Murrell Home, Park Hill, Indian Territory. Photo by Jennie Ross Cobb, c. 1896-1906.
Date: 1896~/1906~
Creator: Cobb, Jennie Ross
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

George M. Murrell Home

Description: Photograph of a child carrying a dead turkey in the back yard at the George M. Murrell Home, Park Hill, Indian Territory. Photo by Jennie Ross Cobb, c. 1896-1906.
Date: 1896~/1906~
Creator: Cobb, Jennie Ross
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

George M. Murrell Home

Description: Photograph of pigs and cattle eating next to the barn at the George M. Murrell Home, Park Hill, Indian Territory. Photo by Jennie Ross Cobb, c. 1896-1906.
Date: 1896~/1906~
Creator: Cobb, Jennie Ross
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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