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Bryan County Limestone Quarry

Description: Photograph of a lime stone quarry in Bryan County. A digger or excavator is visible in the foreground of photograph. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Limestone Quarry – This is a quarry on the Goodland Limestone formation. Limestone from these type pit are used for agricultural lime, road surfacing and construction. This is one of Bryan County’s industries. This pit is property of the E & E Stores.”
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Durant Soil Profile

Description: Photograph of a profile of Durant loam. A measuring stick stands on the left side of the photograph. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, “Durant soil profile – profile of Durant loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes.”
Date: unknown
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Bermuda Grass Pasture

Description: Photograph of a Bermuda grass pasture on the M. J. Vansickle Farm.
Date: July 20, 1956
Creator: Jessee, W. B.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Red River

Description: Photograph of a scene on the Red River near Durant, OK and Bonham, TX.
Date: July 25, 1941
Creator: Jenkins, Elvin W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Red River

Description: Photograph of a scene on the Red River near Durant, OK and Bonham, TX.
Date: July 25, 1941
Creator: Jenkins, Elvin W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Red River

Description: Photograph of a scene on the Red River near Durant, OK and Bonham, TX.
Date: July 25, 1941
Creator: Jenkins, Elvin W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Grass, Legume and Forb Cultivation

Description: Photograph of weeping love grass seeded on eroded cultivated field for meadow in April 1943. In only two months the grass has achieved excellent growth. OK-8552.
Date: July 24, 1943
Creator: Jenkins, Elvin W.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Beef Cattle Wintering on Bermudagrass on Hauk's Land

Description: Photograph of a large herd of beef cattle wintering on Bermudagrass on Yahola fine sandy loam on Hauk’s Land in Bryan County. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Beef cattle wintering on Bermuda grass on Yahola fine sandy loam."
Date: March 1972
Creator: Cole, Everett L.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Lester McIntire and A Truckload of Bermuda Roots

Description: Photograph of "Lester McIntire with truckload of Bermuda roots being watered before planting on the farm of District Cooperator L. W. Griffin."
Date: May 25, 1960
Creator: Hill, Bryce
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Contour Farming on Durant Soil

Description: Photograph of a contoured field of cotton growing on Durant loam. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Contour farming on Durant soil. Cotton being contoured of Durant loam, 1 to 3 percent slopes. Cotton is one of the major cash crops of Bryan County and is grown wide on upland soil such as Durant."
Date: July 12, 1965
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

R. M. Parmley Farm Pasture Improvement With A Brushmaster

Description: Photograph of fourteen UNIDIENTIFIED men and one child standing next to a tractor in a wooded area south of Bennington on the R. E. Parmley farm. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Brushmaster saw demonstration on the R. E. Parmley farm south of Bennington. Parmley is a cooperator with the Bryan Co. SCD. The Bryan Co. SCD has approximately 86,000 acres of brush pasture to clear for pasture improvement." The back of the photograph proclaims, "Brushmaster saw demonstration on the R. E. Pa… more
Date: 1952~
Creator: Jessee, W. B.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Eroded Clayey Land/Gully

Description: Photograph of eroded clayey land. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Landscape of "Eroded Clayey land." Typical mapping unit of "Landscape of "Eroded Clayey land" in Bryan County.
Date: unknown
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Gully Erosion on Woodson Soil

Description: Photograph of a gully formed from Woodson soil. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Gully erosion – Gully erosion on Woodson soil. Little erosion has occurred except in gully. Soil profile at gully edge shows little soil loss."
Date: July 12, 1965
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Gully Erosion on Eroded Loamy Land

Description: Photograph of significant gully erosion. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Landscape of "Eroded Loamy Land." Erosion here is typical of that mapped in this county as "Eroded loamy land." Note good grass cover up to edge of gullies."
Date: July 12, 1965
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Dougherty Soil Profile

Description: Photograph of a profile of Dougherty soil. A measuring stick stands on the left side of the photograph. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Dougherty soil profile – This is a typical soil profile that occurs within the "Dougherty loamy fine sand, undulating" mapping units. Native vegetation consists mostly of oak trees as can be seen here."
Date: July 12, 1965
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Ivanhoe Soil Profile

Description: Photograph of a profile of Ivanhoe soil. A measuring stick stands on the left side of the photograph. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Ivanhoe Soil Profile – Profile of Evanhoe [sic] loam in road cut. Terrace material is whosn [sic] below 6 feet."
Date: July 12, 1965
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Woodson Soil Profile

Description: Photograph of a profile of Woodson soil. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Woodson soil profile – Profile of Woodson Loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes. Light colored A2 horizon is apparent as well as dardened [sic] A1 horizon. Note how roots are non-evident in B horizon."
Date: unknown
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Muskogee Soil Profile

Description: Photograph of a profile of Muskogee Soil. A measuring stick stands on the left side of the photograph. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Muskogee soil profile – Profile typical of Muskogee loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes. Clay come in at about 3 feet."
Date: July 12, 1965
Creator: Bryan & Sheers
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Peanuts on Vanoss Loam

Description: Photograph of row irrigated peanuts growing in Vanoss loam. The original photograph sleeve proclaims, "Peanuts growing on Vanoss loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes. Peanuts is the major cash crop of Bryan County and Vanoss is one of the most productive soil. These peanuts have been row irrigated."
Date: unknown
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Conservation Planning

Description: Photograph of Leo E. Dowling & Chester Brown preparing conservation plan. Irrigation farm pond in background.
Date: May 21, 1969
Creator: Terry, Leonard L.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Crop Residue Management

Description: Photograph of burning stubble after the harvest of wheat. This stubble is being burned to make working the land easier. This area produced only 15 bushels of wheat per acre in 1958. This reduced yield is due to land condition which is poor because of the practice of burning stubble. Stubble properly managed will improve the condition of the land and the amount of production.
Date: July 16, 1958
Creator: McConnell, John
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Row Irrigation

Description: Photograph of irrigating corn on M.J. Vansicle farm at Lake West. Row Irrigation. Water applied by gravity. Excellent corn prospect.
Date: July 20, 1956
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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