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Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz

Description: Letter to Frank Frantz opposing annual reunions of the Rough Riders and stating that Roosevelt should stop trying to get his men political appointments in the territories.
Date: July 20, 1901
Creator: Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz

Description: A 1901 letter from Vice President Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz regarding sending a letter and mentioning their reunion was pleasant. Roosevelt refers to Frantz as "Captain." Frantz served as a captain in Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders during the Spanish-American War. Approximately a year after this letter was written, Roosevelt became the U.S. President when President McKinley was assassinated. On his visits to the White House, Frantz, an athlete and a boxer, engaged in several matches w… more
Date: August 20, 1901
Creator: Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from the White House to Captain Frank Frantz

Description: Letter to Frank Frantz stating that the Honorable Dennis T. Flynn is opposed to the reappointment of the current postmaster at Enid, and asks if Frantz is interested in the position.
Date: January 15, 1902
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from TB Ferguson to RG Cox

Description: Correspondence from TB Ferguson to RG Cox.
Date: August 14, 1902
Creator: Ferguson, Thomas Benton
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from TB Ferguson to Albert A. McGill, Esquire, Grand OT

Description: 3 page letter from TB Ferguson to Albert A McGill, Esquire from Grand, Oklahoma Territory concerning the Republican party significance, Blaine County and the newly founded Republican party in Day County.
Date: March 21, 1904
Creator: Ferguson, Thomas Benton
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from C.C. Wagner to Governor Frank Frantz

Description: Letter to Frank Frantz regarding a telegram sent inviting the Secretary of War to make two addresses in Oklahoma.
Date: March 28, 1907
Creator: Wagner, C. C.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from William Taft to Frank Frantz

Description: Letter from William Taft regarding his apperance at the state convention and a possible speech.
Date: May 4, 1907
Creator: Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from William Taft to Frank Frantz

Description: Letter from William Taft regarding his concerns with the upcoming election and a speech he had promised to make.
Date: July 10, 1907
Creator: Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter to TB Ferguson from Chairman, Committee on Speakers

Description: Correspondence from the Chairman, Committee on Speakers to TB Ferguson inviting Ferguson to give a speech on the 4th of July on The First National Bank of Cleveland Oklahoma letterhead.
Date: June 4, 1910
Creator: Boles, W. H.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter from Theodore Roosevelt to Frank Frantz

Description: Letter to Frank Frantz rejecting his invitation to make a speech in each congressional district in Oklahoma.
Date: July 25, 1914
Creator: Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Cora Youngblood Corson Day

Description: Photograph of a document proclaiming June 3, 1915 as Cora Youngblood Corson Day, c. 1915.
Date: 1915~
Creator: Corson, Cora Youngblood
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Letter to Captain Frank Frantz

Description: Letter to Captain Frank Frantz regarding an unknown matter and military matters.
Date: January 22, 1917
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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