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[Photograph 2012.201.B0120.0163]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Outside brick work on the Variety club building of the Oklahoma Medical Research foundation, adjacent to the Oklahoma University medical school on NE 13, will soon be completed."
Date: January 18, 1950
Creator: Miller, Joe
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0272.0457]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Aggie bench in general - and coach hank Iba in particular - had some anxious moments in Stillwater Wednesday night before A&M brushed aside the Sooners."
Date: January 18, 1950
Creator: Tapscott, George
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0272.0457]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Aggie bench in general - and coach hank Iba in particular - had some anxious moments in Stillwater Wednesday night before A&M brushed aside the Sooners."
Date: January 18, 1950
Creator: Tapscott, George
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B1420.0280]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Maj. Lewis W. Wright, recently of the air material command headquarters at Wright Patterson airforce base, Dayton, Ohio, has taken over as public information officer at Tinker field here, it was announced Wednesday."
Date: January 18, 1950
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.OVZ001.3136]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma City Times newspaper. Caption: "Mulhall grade and highschool classes will move into their new $75,000 building on January 30. The proudest man in Muhall will be Frank Stotts, superintendent of schools, who attended grade and highschool in the old building shown in the background above. The old building will be remodeled to house shops, agricultural department and music room. The Muhall schools also built a new home economics building this year."
Date: January 18, 1950
Creator: Killian, Thomas F.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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