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The Oklahoma Labor Unit (Oklahoma City, Okla.), Vol. 2, No. 29, Ed. 1 Saturday, January 7, 1911

Description: Weekly newspaper from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that includes news and advertising of interest to labor unions and organizations in the state. The paper was "not an official organ of any particular branch of organized labor," but was "owned by officers and members of the State Federation of Labor, the State Farmers Union and the different central and local unions throughout Oklahoma." (Vol. 1, No. 1)
Date: January 7, 1911
Creator: Wilson, Ollie S.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Governor Lee Cruce Signing a Bill

Description: Photograph of Governor Lee Cruce seated at a desk signing the bill creating a State Board of Education on March 7, 1911. Standing behind the governor from left to right: S. M. Barrett, W. P. Stewart, Robert Dunlap, R. H. Wilson, J. Roy Williams, and R. P. Wynne.
Date: March 7, 1911
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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