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[Photograph 2012.201.B0166.0099]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Madill's Jeff Weldon (yellow headgear), takes control of Poteau's Scott Doshier in a Class 3A 190-pound match."
Date: February 22, 1991
Creator: Argo, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Black Locust on Strip Mine Dumps

Description: Photograph of Ned Machado shows an UNIDENTIFED SCS technician his black locust planted on a strip mine dumps. The photograph does not identify the left to right positions of Machado and the UNIDENTIFED SCS technician positions. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Ned Machado shows SCS technician how a tree planting crew and himself set out Black locust on strip mine dumps. The locists [sic] serve for soil protection, wildlife food and shelter and fence posts."
Date: February 17, 1961
Creator: Ball, Lemuel
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Fish and Wildlife Management

Description: Photograph of Soil Conservation Service [SCS] technician Norman Smola observes how excellent wildlife food and cover provided by a living fence of multiflora arose. Wildlife have a place in today's agriculture and are planned for in conservation planning of land use and treatment. This usage serves as a fence as well as the food, shelter and rest area for song birds and quail. OK-1538-6.
Date: February 21, 1962
Creator: Ball, Lemuel
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Trees, Tree Farms, Woodlands, and Forests

Description: Photograph of a Le Flore County Soil Conservation District [SCD] crew. From left to right: Jim Thompson, Tommy White, C.C. Drewry and Emil Hairrell. This is one crew, furnished by the Le Flore County SCD, which has helped plant some 250,000 shortleaf pine seedlings in 1960 – 1961 planting season. FFA [Future Farmers of America] boys were also used in tree planting crews. Soil conservation Service [SCS] technicians gave technical assistance on lands of District cooperators. Jim Thompson explains… more
Date: February 10, 1961
Creator: Ball, Lemuel
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Water Conservation; Water Erosion; Flooding and Prevention

Description: Photograph of a Soil and Water Conservation District [SWCD] operator is trying to get an early seedbed prepared to plant spinach. 5 tons per acre can be produced on the land if not for the lack of adequate drainage limiting it to 1 crop in 5 to 8 years. Seedbed preparation is costly. When the Cache 566 Project is completed this land will be drained with a good rotation followed. OK-1541-11.
Date: February 28, 1962
Creator: Ball, Lemuel
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Wood Products

Description: Photograph of charcoaled wood from culled hardwoods. Many acres of LeFlore county soils are covered with cull hardwoods. Where the soil is well suited to tame pasture production, many land owners are removing the cull hardwoods in order to establish the area to improve pasture plants. By charcoaling the cull hardwoods a usable product is secured and a help in the cost of pasture development is realized.
Date: February 4, 1966
Creator: Ball, Lemuel
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Wood Products

Description: Photograph of wood which has been charcoaled still retains some identity. The chunks are readily recognized as from an oak, hickory, etc.
Date: February 4, 1966
Creator: Ball, Lemuel
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Cover for Quail

Description: Photograph of looking out from odd area of brvkbrush, brushpile, cedar and oaks. Trees are just enough and low cover good for Qualil SCS technicians recommend leaving area for wildlife.
Date: February 9, 1961
Creator: Ball, Lemuel F., Jr.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society


Description: Photograph taken during daylight of a brick archway and stairs leading to a building demolished by fire. Caption: "Doorway to debris marks a recent fire which completely destroyed the four-room Cowlington School about 20 miles northwest of Poteau."
Date: February 4, 1963
Creator: Garner, Frank
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0292.0355]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Flashing smiles that won them honors as " King and Queen of Smiles" are Johnny David,13 , Poteau, and Vickie, 13, Forgan."
Date: February 13, 1960
Creator: King, Cliff
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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