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Spoils Banks on Todd Fugate's Property

Description: Photograph of spoils banks from land formally strip-mined in 1947 located on Todd Fugate's property. The back of the photograph proclaims, "Spoils banks from land strip mined in 1947. Fugate intended to smooth spoils banks and sod bermudagrass for pasture, but gave up after spending $105.00 on dozer work and got only the one spoils bank leveled which is shown in photo. He sowed Korean lespedeza and is waiting for more weathering of shale before sodding Bermuda. What he has in spoils banks is mo… more
Date: November 17, 1955
Creator: Moreland
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Graded Border Irrigation System

Description: Photograph of graded Border Irrigation System. (4300 Acre). Water is pumped from Verdigris River at N. E. corner of 400 acre field. Water is shown running from feeder ditch through border to field tabs. Field to left of electric fence is in rye and vetch and has had one irrigation. An additional 300 acres will be leveled smoothed ditched and bordered and put into irrigation in 1956. The system designed provides drainage as well as irrigation.
Date: November 17, 1955
Creator: Hurd, Moreland
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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