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Opportunity Program

Description: Column concerns meeting held by Mayor Woodrow Hulme to study possibilities for Ardmore and Carter County under the "War On Poverty" program initiated by President Lyndon Johnson. Various programs included are named along with people interested.. newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Oil Men Leave Lasting Tracks in Ardmore During Years

Description: Reprint of article published in Independent Petroleum Monthly, May 1970 issue, concerning the impact of the oil industry on the town of Ardmore. Newspaper article, full page, 2 copies
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Old Post Office

Description: Column concerns the renovation of the building that had been the Ardmore Post Office, at Broadway and N. Washington. The building was to become offices for the federal agencys and federal court. New Post Office built at 1st and B, SW, is mentioned as gaining acceptance. newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Old Pictures Wanted

Description: Column includes: Request for old pictures of Ardmore by the city manager Jack Smith. Photos for use in the city hall offices of Smith. Story of Pearl Blankenship, pioneer school teacher in Carter County. Her many positions and life long interest in education is reported. Report of prehistoric carving of mastodon somewhere southeast of Springer. The rock carving was seen 40 years earlier by R. A. Howard, Jr. newspaper article, original, photo of Ardmore street scene 1909
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

On the Sick List

Description: Column includes: Illness report on Mrs. T. M. "Ma Tom" Culwell, well known for her community envolvement. Repor t that W.L. "Bill" Keeter is to have tests to determine cause for his ill condition. Trip to Washington, D. C., by Jack Smith, city manager, and John Sauerwein, C. of C., for U.S. Chamber of Commerce meeting. Conferences they attended and people they saw are mentioned. newspaper article, 2 copies, original
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Oklahoma Pioneer Helps Keep Alive Ancient Art Of Bow Making

Description: Anderson, Emmett. Article reporting on visit in Broken Bow, Ok., with Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Anderson. Mr. Anderson's skill at bow making, using Bois d'Arc wood, is noted along with history of their life in Oklahoma. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: Graffham, Beverly
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Only 4 Ride Brahmas

Description: Story of competition during the second night of this years rodeo. Photo of a rider atop a brahma with the article. Newspaper article, original, 2 copies
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Old Oil Well Producing Again

Description: Report that the Healdton discovery well, brought in on Aug. 4, 1913, was producing oil again for the Shell Oil Co. Water-flooding in the area had caused the well to produce up to 50 barrels a day at a time of the story. newspaper article
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Osteopathic Hospital

Description: Column concerns the Ardmore Osteopathic Hospital. Construction drive was led by Dr. C. W. Tomlinson and Dr. H.W. Kenaga. Tour of the building, listing of doctors on staff, hospital personnel and requirements for degree in Osteopathy are mentioned. Photo of Dr. N. E. McBride, nurse Shirley Foster and Carol Vinson is with the article. newspaper article, original, 1 photocopy
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Future Farmers Awards

Description: Column reports on: Charles Sampley awarded and his work in the FFA. "Stepping Stones" organization is discussed. Report that this is a class associated with OCC in Oklahoma City. Newspaper article, original, photo of Sampley 2 copies
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Erroneous Report On School

Description: Column concerns the new Area Vocational-Technical School being completed on U.S. 70, east of Ardmore. Ways in which the money for this school was obtained and an erroneous report that this was to be a Job Corps training center are reported in the article. newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Inspiring Installation

Description: Column concerns installation ceremony for new officers of the Ardmore Hospital Auxiliary. Honored were Mrs. E. J. Leverett, Mrs. John Stoker and Mrs. Bess McGalliard. Jessie Mae Lawrence and Mrs. L E. C. Loers were installing officers. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Roots in the Past

Description: Visit with Mrs. Hutchinson includes accounts of living in early Ardmore. William was attorney for Dawes Commission, law partner of Hosea Townsend, commander of the 179th infantry of Okla. Natl. Guard and treasurer of First Presby. Church for 35 years. Mrs. Hutchinson is noted for her study of the birds in the Platt Nat. Park area. newspaper article, original, photo of Mrs. Hutchinson with Natl. Guard banner.
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Gilliam, Rev. Walter H.

Description: Obituary. Born July 27, 1893, at Keatsville, Mo., he had served as minsiter at Wirt, Tipton, St. Marks's, Elmore City, Cournety and Lexington Methodist churches. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Rodeo Tempo Picking Up

Description: Report of rodeo action the previous night. Photo of Bob Stoddard, Tishomingo High School, as he is given first place trophy for band competition. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Return From Vacation

Description: Column concerns recent vacation by McGalliard and his reluctant return to work. Mention is also made of the upcoming election and the candidate signs in yards around town. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Improvements at Park

Description: Column concerns work being done at Lake Murray State Park, as reported by Joe Cavnar, park superintendent. Meetings planned for the Lodge and dimensions of the meeting rooms available are part of the report. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Dyer Leaving Foundation

Description: No Description Available.
Date: 2013
Creator: March, John R.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Hope For Streets

Description: Column concerns contract to Washita Construction Co. to overlay hot-mix-hot-lay asphalt concrete over some of the streets in Ardmore. This trial resurfacing was to be cheaper than removal of existing surface materials. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Prehistoric Find

Description: Column includes: Report of prehistoric skeleton found by Albert Giles, OU paleontologist, near Hickory Creek in Criner Hills. Find said to be 3,000 years old. Report of funeral held for Bill Keeter, Ardmore businessman and city commissioner. Newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Historic Pictures Wanted

Description: Column concerns request for historic photos to display during upcoming 80th Ardmore Birthday celebration on July 29. Mentioned are photos of Ardmore Elks Club baseball team on 1920 (with members named), "Factory Club" of the Ardmore Chamber of Commerce in the early 1920's (members named), and the mastodon head belonging to the Chickasaw Historical Society. newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library

Good Police Work

Description: Column includes: Praise for Ardmore Police Department from A. L. Senter regarding quick work concerning a recent burglary in his daughters home. Report on Cecil Lewis, manager of Cooper Farms for 13 years, and his new appointment in Florida. Jack Hartfelder was appointed new manager for Cooper Farms in Ardmore. newspaper article, original
Date: 2013
Creator: McGalliard, William A.
Partner: Ardmore Public Library
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