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[Photograph 2012.201.B0297.0097]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "It doesn't take long for any office holder to adopt the question-dodging "no comment" technique when faced by reporters."
Date: April 3, 1964
Creator: Albright, Bob
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Recreation Meeting

Description: Photograph of a Recreation Meeting, hosted by the Cheyenne Community, in Hammon, OK. Part of the "1954 Annual Report of Extension Work Report of the Southern Plains Indian Agency Anadarko Area Office, Anadarko, OK."
Date: 1954~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Quilt Exhibit

Description: Photograph of Mrs. Bula Reese, Home Economist from Anadarko, speaking in front of a quilt exhibit by the Cheyenne's of the Hammon Camp Homemaking Club and 4-H Club, Hammon, OK. Part of the "1954 Annual Report of Extension Work Report of the Southern Plains Indian Agency Anadarko Area Office, Anadarko, OK."
Date: 1954~
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B1229.0265]

Description: Caption: "Ted Savage, Hammon, Roger Mills County, student at Oklahoma A&M college is such a firm believer in farming that he introduced a bill in the Oklahoma Junior legislature session here requiring that all Oklahoma school children must have four years of agricultural training."
Date: December 27, 1940
Creator: Johnson, Bill
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Hammon, 1911

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Hammon in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: February 1911
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Hammon, 1911

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Hammon in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: February 1911
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Hammon, 1913

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Hammon in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: May 1913
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Hammon, 1913

Description: Insurance map sheet showing an area of Hammon in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma, including geographic features, buildings, and details related to risk assessment for fire insurance.
Date: May 1913
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

Sandstone Creek watershed

Description: Photograph of approximately 10 acres of field below site 6, Sandstone Creek, has been reclaimed for production since detention reservoir protects it. The old creek channel has been filled up and a new ditch constructed.
Date: 1960~
Creator: Whittington, Fred L.
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society
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