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[Photograph 2012.201.B0234.0385]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "The Comanche High School music department will present a special patriotic show for the governor and other officials Monday at the state capitol in Oklahoma City."
Date: May 22, 1970
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0318.0187]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "It's just a coincidence, but Southeastern State College's third NSF mathematics institute of the summer will have the most appropriate headquarters."
Date: August 6, 1961
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0252.0251]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Daily Oklahoman newspaper. Caption: "Cushing school gymnasium, foreground, Administration building and Junior High School form one of the handsomest school plants in Oklahoma."
Date: December 14, 1959
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0318.0194]

Description: Photograph taken for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Is scattered all over the side of a hill in northwest Durant. The gym vocational buildings, put up several years ago, can be seen at the left, while the cafeteria and classrooms are in the center."
Date: May 9, 1957
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0174.0073]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Parents of Northern Hills Elementary School pupils turned out on a warm spring evening this week to hear their 500 youngsters perform."
Date: April 11, 1978
Creator: Tullous, Don
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0174.0150]

Description: Photograph used for a newspaper owned by the Oklahoma Publishing Company. Caption: "Edmond High School basketball player David Duncan poses with the school mascot on the cover of a new high school calendar that will go on sale Nov. 11th in the metro area."
Date: November 6, 1985
Creator: Klock, Roger
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0174.0268]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Edmond trio takes to stage -- Entertaining fellow students at Edmond Memorial High School during Follies '81 are, from left, Donna Varasse, EunHye Park and Dacri McBride, accompanied by bass guitarist Mike Stewart. The singers performed "Queen of Hearts."
Date: December 11, 1981
Creator: Wilson, George R.
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

[Photograph 2012.201.B0174.0087]

Description: Photograph used for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Marsha Miller prepares Marty Beavers, 18, for a blood donation during a recent drive at Edmond high School conducted by the Oklahoma Blood Institute."
Date: February 14, 1979
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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