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[Photograph 2012.201.B0292.0041]

Description: Photograph taken for a story in the Oklahoma Times newspaper. Caption: "Interest in tracing family history has greatly in creased in recent years." says Mrs. G. L. Dark, president of the Oklahoma Genealogical society."
Date: July 8, 1958
Creator: Lucas, Jim
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society

LU Project Little Bluestem Seed Cleaner

Description: Photograph of Troy Garner, LU Project daily laborer, cleaning little bluestem seeds using a squirrel –cage type seed cleaner designed & built by Tom Elder, Soil Conservation Service technician. The back of the photograph proclaims, “Squirrel-cage type seed cleaner being used to clean little bluestem seed Troy Garner, LU daily laborer, operating machine. Cleaner, designed & built by Soil Conservation service technician Tom Elder, will handle 1000 lbs. per hour.”
Date: September 29, 1948
Creator: Elder, Tom
Partner: Oklahoma Conservation Historical Society

Police Officer with Car

Description: Photograph provides a view of James Smith, Chief of the Altus Police Department. Police Department building is in the background. It was located at 209 W. Commerce.
Date: July 15, 1947
Creator: Hovey, D. A.
Partner: Museum of the Western Prairie

Mrs. Geo. Petty With Her Canned Goods

Description: Photograph of Mrs. Geo. Petty with a display of canned goods, Burpee sealer, and pressure cooker outside her house. She canned 556 quarts of products. She was a member of the Friend Club and the President of the Grady County Oklahoma Federation.
Date: 1928
Partner: Oklahoma Historical Society
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